How do i use social media for quality link building?

If you do social media right, you'll definitely get quality back links. You social media strategy has to be focused on engaging and interacting with your customers/fans/followers not just merely posting news items or other people's content. Hope that helps.

I don't think you have to use social media to create backlinks as many of them you'll be getting is nofollow links your main focus should be on getting the visitor from these sites.

Socail media marketing websites provide traffic for your website. you can increase popularity of your website through networking sites.

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There are many aspects of Social Media. Blogging, Micro-blogging, Social Networking, Social Bookmarking and may other. It depends which channel you feel most comfortable to work with. I would recommend using social bookmarking, ease of use , quality and quantity of links no surprise gave it advantage over others. But its the best way to things are mix different channel.

Hope this will help.

I got really awesome response, Thanks for sharing it guys.

you can get huge traffic and site popularity from social media sites instead of quality of backlinks.

Yes i agree.. and for getting huge traffic facebook and twitter are ideal social media networks!

facebook,twitter,linkedin,stumbleupon are enough to do that work...
you will get huge amount of traffic..

Social Media serves as an online interaction among visitors or members. What it does is to build your reputation online and create trust and rapport on your prospective customers.

how can i increase my back link by Social media

Try reading the thread you have just posted to?

Well getting quality back links from social media need a hard effort dude.. to be honest there are more different ways to get quality back links for your website..

Social media is all about maintaining a proper profile and attracting with other and sharing your links ... for traffic..

according to me social media for traffic not for backlink

Backlinks is really important to once site. The number of backlinks is one show the popularity of website.
Facebook and Twitter both are good social networking websites to get back-links for website.By creating profile in social media networking websites and by putting your website URL you can get back-links from social networking websites...


As per my knowledge, we didnt get backlinks from social networking sites, rather you will get traffic from SN sites. Please excuse if i am wrong.


Create accounts on social media websites and post updates over there.

I do not think you should use social media sites for backlinks. Yet, they are great traffic generators. However, do remember that the majority of the people using these types of sites are there to socialize. So develop a plan that will help you make the most out of your social network experience.

For quality link building use some unique title of your post and backlink to such title should be relevant with your site.

According to me Social media is important for brand promotion and traffic it dos't effects back links because most on social media website's links are no follow

Share your update on regular basis on ur social media accounts..

Social media is a way to get the maximum number of customers from your website through inclusion of interactive content on important social media websites.

few of them will give lots of traffic as well as backlink
i am using digg,SU,Del.ici,Twiiter

My Advice cum opinion to all of u always try to complete your social media Profile this will give u lot

digg will u back link

yes you can use twitter for quality backlinks and also for high traffic but i dont think we can get backlinks from facebook or anyothe yet we can get good visitors from there with active personality there.You should invite people of same interest and join groups that can be effective for your site.

Social media networking gets more traffic for your website, so it gonna be more popular

the effectiveness of back link depends on the strength of your content by which you satisfy the user to persuade to purchase or at least to generate a hit.

From Socail media marketing i do not think to generate backlinks more and more but it will provide traffic for your website. you can increase popularity of your website through social media

cheapmattress, i agree with you to some extent but it would be wrong that social media doesn't give ant back link just like when you make a page on facebook don't you put the URL on your page and when you get more popularity you get more links

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