can we also optimize the facebook fan page?

Remember that Facebook is not my space. Of its kind in the beauty of the face book, simple and easy. You do not need very much to do. For the content speaks for itself. I use photography as possible, the quality of videoconferencing and relevant, welcoming and open dialogue with my fans and my page viewers to respond well and I have been in constant increase in traffic per week.

It's not quite SEO, but you can "optimize" your Facebook fan page by promoting it on your site. Use the Facebook widgets available.

Of course. you can do sharing it on your blog, sites and book marking network to get more fans.

Why do you need to optimize it for?

Spread your page links on profiles wall ....

One thing I found useful for one of my two fan pages was to find a social group within Facebook, to join it and to post to it. Once people heard about me, they began "liking" my page, etc.

To internet marketing in social media site take important role.In this Facebook take vital role.Yes,We can easily promote our fan page on social sites.Today's lot of person connected through Facebook ,It's important for every website or any business.

Keep updating your Facebook Fan page. Also you can give link to that from your website. It will also help.

best way to promote is to place the facebook fan widget on your website it will attract fans and ultimately more traffic to your website..

I am also searching for that man if i got any idea or tool i will inform you man..... and you too search it.... :)

Yeah.... sure seowic2011 i will inform you as soon as possible.... :)

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