Hi guys, i readen in a news that new internet portal is coming up to kill facebook and google, Name:worldbook , url:i dont know , slogan- worldbook helps you to live in secure world Create your own secure world. Total features-1200 , total services-15, (include:Lite space ( social network),file hosting,safe search engine,wbTube,Modern wbBlogger,Anti-hacker email acc with unlimited space,web hosting, kidzee, free calls and sms, internet security patches, wbInviroment to save spammers,Music loverz,classifieds adserver and many more is there..... And Lite space is going to kill facebook, facebook says 'stay connect with us' but worldbook says 'stay connect with us but in time limitation, coz time is most important in the world,save time(a alert msg show you to go offline and do ur works, when u spent enough time in Lite space' lol , who win guys? I think worldbook win...


Your posting makes absolutely no sense at all, that's what. Want to try again after considering what it is you actually have to say, and whether it is appropriate to this forum or not?

no its just a discussion

commented: Why bother posting at if you don't care if anyone understands what you say? -2

<sigh> But you cannot have a discussion without something to discuss, and so far you what you have posted makes no sense to anyone.

OK, discussion over I guess...

hehehe lol actualy i was readen in a news about that social network wars. Facebook vs worldbook, i was wanted to know from some IT experts that this is true or false. Nyway time will say. Whateva..thanx sir.

I never heard of WorldBook before.

hehe me too.
I think i m d first member of ur web who belong to India ;) , i'd like to visite hmpstead @ ur office.
But in ds days i cant , coz i m busy.
wana do a usefull Deal/Partnership with you :) .
Do u know about I.P.O?

well now just tell me how to delete own thread?

Worldbook?? Isn't that an encyclopedia ... Weird one also. Are you advertising? :)

ya that encyclopedia web is going to do dat ;)
Tomarrow mah question was cleared.


I don't think so as 80% people even have not heard about worldbook lite while FB and Google is so popular a child can tel you about it.

Make that 99.9% who haven't heard of it...

I never heard of WorldBook before.

with her.........Never heard about worldbook lite space and no history exit in the internet

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