
I visit ebay and search a particular product. If I open any other website which is not related to ebay shows little banners or adverts which are related to what I looked for in ebay. How do those sites know that I was looking for that particular products?

Thanks for your information in advance

It's called retargeting and this is done through cookies on your website. Retargeting essentially is a service that advertisers use to drive you back to their website. They assume since you actively searched for something, that you are still interested if you left the website and you probably left because you were distracted.

Creepy, right?

It's called retargeting and this is done through cookies on your website. Retargeting essentially is a service that advertisers use to drive you back to their website. They assume since you actively searched for something, that you are still interested if you left the website and you probably left because you were distracted.

Creepy, right?

The Google AdWords system allows you do this, and it's called Remarketing. In fact, DaniWeb does it, by advertising to website visitors who found us through Google search results in the hopes that they will return and join the community. The DaniWeb ads don't necessarily have to be on an IT-based website, since cookies are used to know that they were recently on DaniWeb.

Thanks for your help. That's exactly what I wanted. Now I know what to read about. Retargeting and Remarketting.

Thanks again

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