
This question may have been posted on this forum but I want to understand clearly about that.

I have been submitting to the same 30 social bookmarking sites. I am not sure if this is a good idea or not.

Every time, I create a new article and post to my blog, I submit it to these social bookmarking sites.

What do you think? Should I continue doing that.


Nope its always best to keep getting new places to put links.

How many new place you will get to put your link? I think reputed social bookmarking site are a few!! So, try to grave some traffic from bookmarking site not target back link!!

No always use new sites.

Do you like to be in the same room all the time ?
List of bookmarking sites in Google and yahoo search and submit to what
you think is good .


Adding more links from same website is not a good idea. I have seen penalties from Google regarding bookmark spamming. There are more than 30 social bookmarking websites, try to submit extra URLs to other social bookmarking sites.

Never it is not advisable at all. If you want submit more links you have to use different content.

Social Bookmarking has importance of its own because of its ability to generate traffic by sharing links.Many social bookmarking sites will rate you depending on the number of users have bookmarked your website.So instead of just you alone submitting your posts, try to have your readers, followers. Digg,stumble,facebook, twitter etc Which will gain more traffic.

It is good to be consistent but submit to other social sites. Don’t go overboard with this. Why not choose few reputable social sites to submit to only.

No only submit one time to each site. Try other types of links also.

Link Wheel
Article Sumbission
Forum Posting
Blog Commenting

Submitting links to social network is the best way to bring chain traffic on ur network. It is important thing in the field of seo.

Thnx for the Gr8 Information

Social bookmarking can increase traffic to your site and what you are doing is good but then you should try new sites which can get you high traffic. Meaning choose those are well established and well maintained social bookmarking sites.

I am really shocked by the reply everyone has given...My advise is that it's great to submit every article you post on your blog to social bookmarking sites...I have 4 thousand links submitted to big social bookmarking sites and still I am submitting to them and now my links are now indexed more faster then ever...so don't listen to others, regularly submit your link to the 30 bookmarking sites that you are already submitting...


This question may have been posted on this forum but I want to understand clearly about that.

I have been submitting to the same 30 social bookmarking sites. I am not sure if this is a good idea or not.

Every time, I create a new article and post to my blog, I submit it to these social bookmarking sites.

What do you think? Should I continue doing that.


You can continue doing this alongwith your other link building strategies. There is no harm in it

A more apt questions is - does Google, et al, give credit for more than one link per site?

You can submit newly written articles on same social bookmarking sites. But after that you need to get new contents from re-submit on same social bookmarking sites. Keep doing updating content submission it will help you in SEO....

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