Hi, this side is James
I have a key-word (Cell Phone Plans) "cellhub.com" , which is on the 7th page of Search engine results. Please suggest me,
what should I do to improve its ranking and get it to first position

You can do directory submission or social bookmarking this keyword only pr sites. after approved this it is come on first position.You can also do article submission, forum posting and blog commenting.

In order to achieve better rakings in the search engine results pages for your primary keyphrase you will have to implement a search engine optimization strategy. You can use all kinds of techniques to accomplish this. Search engine optimisation techniques are categorized according to how much the are geared to manipulate the search engine: White Hat SEO (follow the quality content guidelines explicitly), Grey Hat SEO (cheat a bit ie:link popularity strategies) and Black Hat SEO (outright trick the search engine into believe a web page is important enough to highly rank it).

Update: Oh. I see you have already done a bit of link building (google acknowledges 55). I'm guessing that isn't working well for you in your competitive keyphrase environment. Funny that I took the time to assess your top keyphrase competitors (regional search google.ca). The first place for "cell phone plan" had poor on-site optimization but had 17 links acknowledged and many of them were internal (in the same domain), the second contender was a bit better optimized and had 13 incoming links, the third however had no link popularity at all but the web page was very well optimized and the presentation exceedingly friendly.

Of the three search engine performances, which one do you think has properly made use of their time and resources in their web site development (in an effort to capitalize on the traffic of qualified visitors? note: quality Internet human visitors and not quantity of "hits" necessarily

Is your page fixed on the 7th page of Search engine results ? Not dancing ?
Do the websites in advance of you still the same ?
Search for quality links from websites in top of the search.
Quality good links will never put you down if your website offer useful information.

your KW have vary good Competition
it`s really hard to get KW ranking after google panda update that start on FEB -2011 and continue last update just come on 6th of Jun and this update upset every thing .. all this above things are also effect by update

Do search for Google panda update and it`s after effect then make new plan for your keywords

Check out your competitors keywords. May be you can get some idea how they are using their keywords.

Write some keywords rich articles and submit them in articles directories. Make you anchor tag rich with keywords. If you are trying out back links then put your keywords as text in the anchor tag.

Post in forums and use your anchor tag as the keywords.

Hope that helps to gain some good ranks than before.

Great discussion here. I still have hard time in understanding how to properly use keywords. I have a blog site and I am happy having good number of visits per day and not really aiming for good page rank. But this time, I imagine how page rank can give benefits to me and to my blog site. And thanks for more information about the use of keywords.

build backlinks and your rank will improve..

Hi, this side is James
I have a key-word (Cell Phone Plans) "cellhub.com" , which is on the 7th page of Search engine results. Please suggest me,
what should I do to improve its ranking and get it to first position

You need to do proper SEO in order to improve your serp ranking, Both onpage and offpage

use this keyword as anchor text and build links with relevant website. You can also place your links into forums,directories,bookmarks and various websites which allow links.

you can do forum posting, blog commenting, and blog posting they will be increase your website keyword ranking.

You could look at the dates of the posts you are commenting upon. I doubt he's still looking for SEO help some FOUR YEARS later. If he is, then all hope is lost.

Add more content to the page, Share content on social sites.. check on page again and optimize according to the keyword. Make relevent niche backlinks.

If we assume that your website is optimised for that keyword, you first step would be to check what your competition does (top 10) by using a tool such as ahrefs which will tell you which backlinks your competitors have.

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