What is Google Panda and what does it do ?

Google panda is a new algorithm that works against the website that contains low quality articles, blog and simply copy and pastes the description from other website to their website to increase the search engine rankings.

In short Its a new algorithm announced by Google. Its aim is to fight against content farms (duplicate content website).

Its a improvement to google’s search algorithm which helps google to fight content robbers and spammers. Remember google caffeine? This update is similar to caffeine update but it might not impact to most of users same like caffeine did .

If you are a webmaster and if you copy other peoples content and publish it on your web site beware google panda will be a major impact to you because Google mainly deployed this new algorithm to prevent content farmers a butt kick

You should have checked the forum for similar topics.

Google Panda is the new algorithm which Google is using for their search results listing. It has said to change the face of SEO slightly. The previously used techniques cannot be used anymore efficiently. The elimination of content farms is the point to be taken note of. Therefore websites have to write genuine and original content for their site to be listed in the rankings. There are more factors under Google Panda, surf the internet, you will come to know.

Google panda is just update version of algorithm, which google has created own for providing best and relevant result to user. Google panda consider site with quality content first for showing result.

google panda is the new google algorithm he simply hates the duplicate content and loves the original one :)

Google Panda is an updated Google alogrithm that works against the duplicate content present on the websites.

Google panda updates may ban low quality websites from Google search results.

Google Panda is a new technique from google which removes duplicate content from your website and helps user to provide relevant results.

Google Panda is Google algorithm which update regularly to stop spamming websites.

commented: thank goodness you came along to repeat what everyone else has already said -3

Hi I agree with all of you. It was first released in February 2011.I give one more work of google panda is to drop in rankings for sites containing large amounts of advertising.


Google panda is the latest update in Google algorithms and its main focus is to check whether the content is cityscape or not.

commented: Wtf? -3

the question about google panda on low quality backlinks specially on article submission, how can it determine a low quality content? let us say about uniqueness. how can this algo resolve the problem about content leeching?

How can we check that the New google panda update is applied ?

Google panda is a routine algorithmic update by Google to filter out websites from its results which produce low quality or copied content. It majorly impacted content farms and article directories which had a lot of shallow content on them when it was launched first.

How can we check that the New google panda update is applied ?

Google will occasionally announce updates via its Official Search blog on Blogspot. Panada is updated from time to time, so you can search out SEO news sites (or do a news search for 'latest panda update') to find out.

The latest update, Version 3.3, was done on 2.27.12. A link evaluation signal it had been using for years was removed as part of this update. Of course, Google didn't go into details as they're obviously not going to give away info that could be used to cheat their algorithm.

It keeps SEOs in business and hopefully makes the web a more user friendly experience. It is all about relevant content. When you do a search from google, you should end up with pages that actually have something to do with what you searched for. Gone will be the days of ending up on sites that have nothing to do with what you are looking for.

The Google Panda update now runs on a regular basis. It looks for sites that have too much duplicate content. In order to have your page rank well in the Google engine it is now a necessity to make sure that custom high quality content is published to your website on a regular basis.

google panda is an algorithm who visits different website after some specific time to know on which website have the same content or which website copy the text which is used on to an other website

This update is very helpful to internet marketers.. Because it can easily findout duplicate content of your website..

commented: dear it is really happen. i am very much worried since last year as we do lots of field work and some theives just copy it and also get good rank in google that really hurts me +0

Google Panda is the changes in the search result ranking algorithm.The advantage of Google Panda is its lower the ranking of sites containing lower quality content.

Google Panda is security guard of Google and it read content and spam those sites who have duplicate content and article

latest update from google and it's about content Means low page content and copy contents etc..

google panda is basically an algorithm which checks the content which you mention on to your website either any other web link have the same content if it is then it will suggest google to have spam or duplication of data

The best way to think about panda is that it effects those businesses that have massive amounts of imformation on their websites and so much of it duplicate. These are most likely going to be research sites and sites that allow users to submit information so unless you are running a spammy site don't worry about it effecting you.

Google panda: A new algorithm update from google for low quality content regaring blog, article and page as well, it against copy content you can say.

Google's Panda update runs every few months it seems. Some of the most recent updates to the algorithim have dealt with duplicate content. Now Google disapproves of sites that have duplicate or copy paste content on them. The Panda update that deals with content doesn't look highly on sites that have content that Google has seen or searched eleswhere. The Google blog is an excellent source to check for the latest updates and changes for Panda releases and many other updates that Google performs and publishes each month. In the month of Febuary there were over 22 changes to the way Google seraches, ranks and uses algorithims. It is highly advised to follow the changes so that your website maintains rank and integrity within the Google engine.

i agree with both all of them,Panda 3.5 algorith is used in google

Google Panda is a new algorithm that works against website that contains low quality and copied contents.

I would love to see it when the goole would find out the duplicate content and don't show the copy content in the google search

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