where, besides clickbank, can i get a place to allow me to have customers be an affiliate? I would like 1 to my site but the ones i search are just wanting me to be their affiliate. clickbank's fees are kinda high plus charge u 50 bucks to start up. i would like 1 that doesn't require you to pay if possible.

How many products do you have? Often, shopping cart software has a built in affiliate feature.

You can click this link on how to start affiliate marketing
or how affiliate program works
Here some of the Affiliate Program

You have few more options like commission junction and PayDotCom.com.

You can also try BidVertiser as your affiliate site

search in Google for the best affiliate program today but what exactly products u want in your website

kontera, adsense

there are so many website that are leading websites for seo but.Try search on google.simple

I use JROX Jam for 2 online businesses I run. The first has a Zencart the second is a Joomla site running VirtueMart. Jrox is a full featured program with very good support, and has well documented integration procedures. In spirit of non spamming - PM me and I will send you the links to both of my sites, so you can see them in action.
The reason I chose JROX initially, is that they are FREE - for the first 50 members - and you get the full program, not some watered down version...
I also like JROX because you are able to provide much more detailed materials to your affiliates - email campaigns, landing pages, viral PDF's, banners, text ads, hover ads... real time tracking, flash reports...

I am just a happy user, with a humble opinion...


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