I have a plea for advice from admins of large, successful forums. I'm in a bind. I run a few forums, and finally created a successful one. But last week, one of the moderators posted some material that was copyrighted by someone else, and I took the material down. Apparently, this wounded the moderator deeply, and so this person began to wage war on my forum. The upset moderator began sending many PMs to the members, soliciting them to leave my forum to help build up the competitor's forum. Luckily, some members forwarded the PMs to me, so I was able to lock the PM system and ban the moderator. But now I'm stuck hanging -- what's the next step? Unlock the system and let the PMs go through?
I've seen the competing forum, and while it's weak, multiple members there very clearly have a recruiting strategy against my site. Some of those members are using names that don't correleate to usernames on my site, but it's clear they are members of my site too. Can anything be done? What have you done in similar situations? How did it work out for you?