How important is keeping in contact with your members via email?

I think its good to get an email every so often, but weekly emails get old pretty quick. Is it necessary for me? No.

I have been thinking about starting a newsletter, because I think it would be a good way to stay in touch with members. However, I'm not quite sure what to put on it. I don't really want to create new content exclusively for the newsletter. I have been thinking of putting teasers for latest threads and such, but that is exactly what our portal has right now, so I don't see the point.

Maybe you should consider including the most popular threads, and the news that are normally posted on the homepage. Of'course this can include content such as new features, and other interesting aspects of the forum. Another words, tell us whats new, and what is going on.

I will try to think of more ideas later cause not much is coming to me now. I am having one of my "insomnia nights" (and believe me those are not fun).

Here's what I'm working toward for email. I'm creating a short email (just a few paragraphs) that contains links to the best topics, and mentions a couple of the newest site features. I'll send it out monthly. But here's the trick -- I'm planning to send it only to those who haven't posted for 2+ weeks. Or maybe only to those who haven't logged in (maybe skip the posting criteria). Whatever the case, the idea is to promote participation to those who are not participating.

I wouldn't mind getting something like that from you. I've had periods where I've not posted for a month. Getting something interesting might draw me back in, and even if it doesn't, it won't scare me away. You know? It's not like spam. I'm a member of the community, I like the topics here, so an email about related stuff is right up my alley.

It would be wise to let people opt out, though. For my situation (phpBB), there is no "allow email from admin" button in the profile. So I had to install the Custom Profile Fields mod. I have the field default to "yes" but the user can switch it, no problem. When I send out my first email, I suspect a handful will flip that switch, but I hope the bulk of members appreciate it. :)


What I've done with my site (The Friends of English Magic - about Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, the novel by Susanna Clarke - just in case anybody gets the wrong ideas about it being about English illusionists ;)) is to create a newsletter which I hope will be the first venue to release the very latest news on the book and film.

It also allows me to communicate with those that opt-in about site news and any problems or new features in which I intend to implement. These usually get thrown in at the end of the newsletter.


On one of my sites, I used a monthly sysnopsis from the posts - which as you have said was the same as the system's e-mail - but I also would craft new threads, that would always end with questions. Sort of enticing or egging on the reader to click the link and post an answer.

I have also "embeded" polls. So the reader can click a link within the e-mail to choose their poll response, which of course took them to the poll and thread.

Sort of a pull-in the users...

What I've done with my site (The Friends of English Magic - about Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, the novel by Susanna Clarke - just in case anybody gets the wrong ideas about it being about English illusionists ;)) is to create a newsletter which I hope will be the first venue to release the very latest news on the book and film.

It also allows me to communicate with those that opt-in about site news and any problems or new features in which I intend to implement. These usually get thrown in at the end of the newsletter.


Hey Martyn! Long time no speak. Welcome back:mrgreen:

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