I know the following methods:
- Directory listings
- Adwords/Other PPC programs

But am running out of innovative ideas to promote << url snipped >>. The website is a technical Q&A website for coders, geeks etc. influenced a bit by Experts Exchange (but the implementation and business model being totally different).

As a fellow promoter yourself, what would you do if you were tasked with promoting such a website? :confused:

I'm out of ideas! :cool: Thanks!

I shall ask the budget of advertisement of that fellow member and accordingly make my marketing strategy.

Hi Etech,
Our budget is in Indian currency. I'm not sure posting the figure will make much sense, considering the currency value and goods and services value is a bit different here.

You can target technical forums and freelancer sites to promote it, BTW Indian currency does not restrict you if you're in online business, you can get a paypal account. ;)

partnership with bloggers is a good way to attract more visitors.

Getting in good with the bloggers is definitely a big help. Many tech bloggers have a devoted following and many blogs are well indexed in the search engines. Getting a link every so often in a blog entry will get you traffic, a good backlink within an article (high quality link), and will definitely help spread word of mouth.

Starting your very own blog also may be an idea. :)

Starting your very own blog also may be an idea. :)

Indeed :cool:

Write good useful content. On the web, that usually attracts attention.

You can always distribute articles of interest to your target audience. In this way they might find one of your articles on another site and follow a link back to your website.

You could also host a few tutorials that would be of interest to your target audience. Word can get around pretty quick with this kind of thing. Not unlike Dani's mod_rewrite for vBulletin. ;)

Thanks mate!

bloggers bloggers bloggers i think they work the best

can anyone tell me how to find the following infor through web?

- Directory listings
- Adwords/Other PPC programs

has anyone tried above these and prove to be effective to promote your web site? thanks

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