
I'm seeing demand of natural links, how would I build it, please let me know your tips.


first i must tell you that for every site it is very important to get more natural links /backlinks so that they get a rank in google and other search engine .
so i suggest you create your unique content and share to social networks,also write comments on the other sites that have good rank and place their URL there also join forums and regularly post there and get free backlinks ........also you search as on google "freebacklinks"and manually make freebacklinks for your sites but best way is a social network so place their site URL and share there regularly..i hope this reply is little help you!

Thanks, I'm considering these methods too.

By applying white hat seo techniques your site wil get natural links.

Secret behind natural links is pure ethical SEO startegies..

Why dont you try guest blogging on your niche, it will helps you to build natural link.

Natural links means that you have to build links whit out using black hat method and link which have some good quality.

Hello Every member thanks for sharing Useful Tips

Only white hat seo technique can provide you natural links

Natural links are inbound links that site owners didn’t intentionally create as part of their link building campaign. Natural link building is a positive product of all the rest of the SEO and online marketing work that you do like social media marketing, online PR, content marketing and more. People find and link to your content because it’s great content, not because you went out looking for links

Myronz has hit the nail on the head! Natural links come from people who LIKE your content enough to want to share it. Make your content unique and compelling.

Offer VALUE. Research something related to your topic in details and create a list that people will want to share.

People love sharing Infographics... so it might even be worth paying someone to create one for you if you can think of a topic. (You can get an infographic made by someone on Fiverr for $5!)

Illustrate your blog post with a funny or interesting photo and you may get some natural links on Pinterest...

Only white hat seo technique can provide you natural links.

Some say that link building is not anymore suggested when it comes to SEO 2013, but we still stand in a balanced link building. Balance meaning, being helpful by sharing only those information that will be of value to people.

I stand with @Hirohurl, add value in any link building you are participating - may it be in forums, commenting on blogs, writing your own blogs, creating your inforgraphic, etc., and no matter how fast or how slow the result may be depending on your invested effort, the result will be guaranteed natural links.

You cannot build links with old link building methods, if you are interested to gain natural links, than write a good content and make the best quality of your work , your content will earn link for you, only this way you can acquire natural links.

Just go through on-page optimization and off-page optimization with using white hat SEO technique.

I'm going to be realllllly generic and say create awesome content and people will naturally link to it and want to share it with their friends.

Right,Natural link are those link which created by only visitors responce. visitors see your content and do comments.

I have always tried white hat SEO so that I am already having natural link. But what about unnatural links which are generated from black hat or something else?

Always share the original content on wesbite and make the link building with high quality website.

Hidden link is very bad for any website. it create problem in crawling.

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