I read somewhere that you should repeat at least 3 times your targeted keywords in the body of your website.
I was wondering if there is an upper limit on how much you can repeat your keywords before they start hurting you with the search engines (i.e. the search engines discard them as spam).
Anyone here knows????

I dont think so, I think one targeted key word is enough. You can put few similar keywords but dont repeat the same word 2-3 times. Its my opinion but I dont know if i am right or wrong?

I read somewhere that you should repeat at least 3 times your targeted keywords in the body of your website.
I was wondering if there is an upper limit on how much you can repeat your keywords before they start hurting you with the search engines (i.e. the search engines discard them as spam).
Anyone here knows????

Yes, it is generally thought that anything higher than 10% is too much, and may be a flag for spamming to the search engines.

General rules are to use the keyword in the:
Meta Tags
H1 Tag
Then once in Bold, once in Italic.
Be sure to use it in your content near the top of the page, and in the last paragraph.

Good Luck!

Depend upon search engine, both MSN and yahoo has greater tolerance of keyword density as compared with google. In fact google relies on "Term weight" and others on "glasgow weight" it further depends upon particular search engine alogthrim and computing process.

Repeat your keywords as many times as you can while still keeping every single word of your content completely geared towards the website visitor. Your content should always read completely naturally.


if your writing content for human instead of search engine so you can repeat your keyword as many times as you can but if you are writing of search engines then you need to maintain keywords density upto 4.5% average because i believe that 5% density of keyword is too high if your paragraph in average level.

Use a keyword density analyser to check your density rate

Keyword density analyser

Density rate should be between 0.2%-4%

Having any ketword density too high, search engines will penalise you. I reccommend having 3-4% density for your top keywords

I think, Keyword density is not more than 2 to 3%...

I suggest between 2 - 3.5%

Keyword density should be 2-4%. Dont let your density exceed this limit.

I wish people wouldn't worry about keyword density. It somehow defeats the purpose of writing for good content.

It is important in SEO in that you do not want to be too dense. This is called keyword stuffing.

How about checking the density of your competing websites that are ranking the highest and go just above their denisty! Just thinkin out loud...

im not so sure how strict they are on the keyword density thing
one of my pages is ranked first for a moderately competitive keyword and it has a 11% density

Keywords density are depends upon content. Between three to Five percent keywords are good in your content.

Every keyword phrase is different. One might do well with a 3.2 percent keyword density and another whereas the average density for another keyword phrase is close to about 6 percent. And if you were to use the 6 percent keyword density on your page to try to rank for the 3.2, then you'd be way too high, on the border of spamming.

Keyword density is very important. It should be between 3 to 4% more than this percentage may be consider as keyword stuffing.

3-4% keyword density is good for 400-500 words...

The standard and a good rule of thumb is the 2-4%. But, I think that is for the tags. If you are keywording in content than natural is the best. Don't load it but don't minimize it either. The latest Google update is really looking for fresh content so consider updating your blogs frequently. I also wondered how title and fresh content plays into the newest updates. Anyone know?

I have heard and seen many articles where 4-6% is ideal percentage of keywords in any article. So the number of keywords can be used depends on the length of the article.

I think it will not make any problem still you can check any on page related guide which you can get on on page.

When I read the expert opinion I saw that generally they offer 2-3% keywords density.
More then this will make the bad effect for the website.

3-4% keyword density is good for 400-500 words

i think 3 times repeat the same keyword phrase in 100 words is enough...

Keyword density should be 2-4%. Dont let your density exceed this limit.

Agreed .

One of my trainer told me to put keywords is following manners(2-4% density)

One keyword in Title

One or two in the First Para

One in middle

One or 2 in Last paragraph.

It will be effective for both seo and Visitors too

According to me keyword density in between 2-3%.

2 to 3 % density is more then enough.

As this is an old topic brought back to life, Google's Panda updates now punish sites that use duplicate content, poorly worded and ungrammatical content, and excessive keyword use.

A good rule of thumb in the post-Panda world is to use informative content on your site. You, of course, also want to keep your keyword density low (like the percentages mentioned here in this thread repeatedly...I've seen some say no more than 5%) so you avoid being seen as spamming the system.

The use of keyword should be restricted in an article. So its to follow guidelines before writing article.

Keyword density should be around 2 to 3 percent in an article.

commented: thank goodness you came along to repeat that bit of information that has already been posted a zillion times -3
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