And/or I am looking for a dropshipper and I am done being scammed. Thanks everyone

No, sorry. :( What about some affiliate programs out there?

How does the affiliated sites work?

You sell other people's product on commission. You can create your own virtual store, where you display the products you want to sell, etc. Everything from the actual sale and on (ie sale, delivery of product, etc) is handled by the company. It's just your job to get them business for a commission.

Check out

Sounds good thank you.

You're welcome. :) Let us know how it works for you.

did you try any of those sites or not yet?

im also interested in dropshipping, but i cant seem to find any! - asks for 50€ per month fee, which i find suspicious... - asks pretty much 200€ to access their directory, has anyone tryed this? is it relilable?? - apparently ones needs to be in the states or canada. im on european union

how can one find a manufacter/factory or something to dropship?

I applied to World Wide Brands and they have some really good info. I have not tried any the others yet.

Never heard of those.

I paid their $19.95 fee and got nothing but a phone call for it. I looked on the State of Utah BBB (Better Business Bureau) and the company was only incorporated 4 months ago. they told me on the phone call that they had been in business for 5 years. Then I saw that one of their founders had another company and that company received a poor rating due to poor advertising practices and they had unresolved complaints. Maybe that is why they created a new company!!!! I wish I had never paid them a penny!!!! They are very suspect to me!!!:rolleyes:

I know two in the UK from my previous "research". I never use them but hope could help:
1. - electornics
2. - gifts etc

There are also a number of websites do dropship as part of their normal online selling. No matter what you want to be dropshipped, search for websites selling the similar stuffs, and you may surprise how many of them have dropship service, as well as small quantity wholesale.

Good luck.

I paid their $19.95 fee and got nothing but a phone call for it. I looked on the State of Utah BBB (Better Business Bureau) and the company was only incorporated 4 months ago. they told me on the phone call that they had been in business for 5 years. Then I saw that one of their founders had another company and that company received a poor rating due to poor advertising practices and they had unresolved complaints. Maybe that is why they created a new company!!!! I wish I had never paid them a penny!!!! They are very suspect to me!!!:rolleyes:

which one? mahibay or doba or another?

I signed up with these guys, they're above board, but really their catalog is pretty much crud, if you search any of their items in ebay you get like a million squillion hits !!

Despite that I did manage to offload a rocking horse thing through ebay, and ats delivered and the customer was happy, after I'd settled up I think I made -£1.60

Drop-shipping sounds good, but in reality it sucks big time, well it did for me anyway.

HI, I had experience with Mahibay and it's not a good one. I would be happy to tell you more. Don't sign up if you haven't yet. They owe me money.

No, sorry. :( What about some affiliate programs out there?

I've been waiting for a refund with Mahibay and it's taking forever. Don't use them--strong advice.

don't use Mahibay. They owe me money now and I placed my order in early June.

How does the affiliated sites work?

The basic affiliate site is very simple... you have a web page and put a banner or text link on that page from an affiliate (usually in the same catagory as the theme of your website)... one of your customers clicks on the banner or link and goes to that site. When that customer buys something from that site you get a referral commission... for example:
Company "A" offers a $10 payment if your customer buys their software, One of your customers buys it and you are credited with $10, and the only thing you did was put the link on your page...

I paid their $19.95 fee and got nothing but a phone call for it. I looked on the State of Utah BBB (Better Business Bureau) and the company was only incorporated 4 months ago. they told me on the phone call that they had been in business for 5 years. Then I saw that one of their founders had another company and that company received a poor rating due to poor advertising practices and they had unresolved complaints. Maybe that is why they created a new company!!!! I wish I had never paid them a penny!!!! They are very suspect to me!!!:rolleyes:

Just a warning about Provo Utah... :-|

I would imagine you, by now, have heard of Simplx... they claim to be a wholesaler dropshipper working out of Provo Utah. Utah must be a hot place in the summer time because everyone there involved in online wholesale jobs seems to be affected with heat stroke... If you look into the officers of the simplx company you will find the same personnel that ran the Zibus and Mallshare scams in the past. Now on sites that tell about scams people from Simplx will tell you that yes, the people running the company used to be the same people but that has changed... well it seems funny that no one knows who it changed to, and then they try to tell you that the company has no CEO ... No Boss!!! now that would be a company to work for... =c)
My opinion, for what it's worth, is that no matter if the people who start a company are crooks and they quit, the people that take over for them are probably crooks too. Put enough sugar on bad apples, you just have sweet bad apples.
The way the company works is they show you a package on their website that promises to give you everything you need to get your business up and sailing.... everything but the water... when you try to sign up they first want a $20 application fee. After this application fee is paid you are accepted into the program, but have to pay a $79 fee to get started. If you pay the $79 dollar fee then they want a $3500 fee for training and expenses to get you going. Oh and the main product you seem to be selling is getting other people wanting a good dropshipper to fall for that same scam. This seems to be another of Provo Utah's Dropship Broker rip off's.
If you're interested, It seems that these same people are running dropshipping businesses through the same isp... I don't know if they are all rip-off's but I wouldn't trust a Provo Utah business if you paid me to take it. The businesses with the same internet identification numbers are: {}


all I can say is if they want money up front before they tell you what their products are... and if they don't tell you there are going to be further fees involved..... well that's why they put a little square button with an X in it in the top right corner of the browser. I used it... You probably should use it too...

Hope that helps And/or I am looking for a dropshipper and I am done being scammed. Thanks everyone

I personally haven't had experience with Mahibay but everything I've read about it suggests you should stay away from it. Doba is a very good dropshipper, dependable, and reliable but... their prices are higher than most wholesalers and by the time you add in their monthly costs you will find you have a very slim profit margin if any at all...

I have done about 3 months research on and setteled with They give you everything they claim to offer. They have a very large database of dropshippers with all kinds of products, their dropshippers take credit cards, net-30 payments and in some instances even Paypal. They offer a huge number of suppliers that have what is called Light Bulk shipping. What that is is they sell you a part of a pallet of bulk goods with the discount of buying the whole pallet. That way you don't need to buy $3000 worth of inventory instead you can buy $300 and save a lot. They have the Product Sourceing Wizard that does all the math and research needed to determine

  1. what is selling
  2. what it is selling for
  3. how many people want it
  4. how many stores sell it
  5. is it better to sell it in a store or at auction
  6. what per cent chance you have of makeing a profit with this item

If you want to see more on this ... Google search (keyword) Market Research Wizard...
So My suggestion would be if you want to get a lot of free information, a couple of free online books on how to do it right, and a great source guide go with WorldWideBrands. I have only found one bad source reference in their whole list and when they were told about him he was removed...

Hope that helps... And/or I am looking for a dropshipper and I am done being scammed. Thanks everyone

I do have experience with WorldWideBrands, long enough to ask for a refund which they gave.

I also have experience with Mahibay, and I am currently working with them. Please contact me at because I am interested in speaking to you about Mahibay. It would be great to compare notes, as well as discuss dropshipping and other businesses.


Hi, never tried them...may we offer a visit to our site. carrying over 3500 wholesale items ready to dropship worldwide to your customer. Never a setup or mambership fee.
Good Luck!!

with puckator you have to pay £25 to sign up for there drop ship account - this sucks, I mean they're going to make money too when you sell, so why the setup account fee. They will tell you it's because it cost money to run the srop ship service, well it cost me money to create a new website to sell their items, or time on ebay to list for sale. So I avoided them, greedy sods!

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