What are the best ways to do SEO with all the new changes. I know quality content is #1 but what is the best way to get good backlinks.

I would say the best way to gain legimitate backlinks is with the help of Forums, Press Release and you can also look forward with guest post but beware that you are not doing that for your promotion only rather than sometimes its good to give something back to community.

yes forum posting and the press release are the good to get back link i totally agree with the Kelly Burby but keep attention on the niche link they are the best one as comapre to other i thought.

For seo 2015 updates you must avoid copy-paste, entirelly.

As everyone said above, focus on writing quality content which earns you backlinks.

Writing content and trying to get backlinks from different websites is not a good idea. Instead focus on how to write great content which get maximum likes, shares on social media sites and more mention.

There are many various ways to get backlinks, but each of them, of course, require lots of job and efforts. However, these are my favorite ones that I use as well on a daily basis:

1) Guest blogging
2) Press releases
3) Content of my website considering my reserached keywords
4) Meta descriptions of all the posts
5) Creation of landing pages, WP templates

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