Does anyone know how to find out how many links you need to get in Top of SERPs?

I wish it was that easy! There isn't really one formula ... it depends on so many different factors such as the popularity and weight of the sites linking to you, your particular industry, your competitors, keywords on the pages linking to you, etc etc. In fact, it's very important to constantly build links ... stopping for an extended period of time will sink your rankings.

I wish it was that easy! There isn't really one formula ... it depends on so many different factors such as the popularity and weight of the sites linking to you, your particular industry, your competitors, keywords on the pages linking to you, etc etc. In fact, it's very important to constantly build links ... stopping for an extended period of time will sink your rankings.

You are right ! The ultimate thing to attain top position is just building links ...links... links. That's it.

You are right ! The ultimate thing to attain top position is just building links ...links... links. That's it.

Yes. This right. But you can view link weigh befor exchange.

You can keep building links till the time you attain page rank 10 because thats the limit.{kidding}
The more relevent links you'll built it will help your site in oneway or the other

Does anyone know how to find out how many links you need to get in Top of SERPs?

That really depends on what the category of your website would be and what your competitor links are. But the more links the better chance of search engine visabilty you will have.:lol:

Always consider on quality rather than quantity, do start writing content for link and title your page such that it spread a story in no time.

Thousands, millioms. To get to top anything on search engines, you need probably couple of thousand link, plus it depends on how high those guys linking back to you are on searchengines as well.

Like Dani said. It's not all about the links. the weight/ page rank of the sites linking back to you matters also.

One link from trusted site such as .edu and or top high PR site is better than 100 links of useless site.

ALso concentrate on getting Higher PR incoming links.
SEO is an ongoing and tiresome process :) but the rewards are rich.

Position depend of course of strong links, but they are difficult to gain. Many pages with high PR add rel="nofollow" like this page, but all is to defeat by quantity. Mayby not 100 links, but 1000, or 5000 links. You should remember about your page's content and use <strong> to intensify your keywords. Important is also title and description.

This is a really cool question...I am currently trying to build my own back links everywhere I can. Can someone tell me please, what exactly 'rel="nofollow"' does?

thank you

This is a really cool question...I am currently trying to build my own back links everywhere I can. Can someone tell me please, what exactly 'rel="nofollow"' does?

thank you

That means you are telling google not to follow the outbound link.

Sean, If the outbounds are relevant and of high quality, you may get some benifit, but I would suggest you should also try to get quality backlinks from relevant sites.

as many links as you can. but it has to be quality and related links to your site.

Can someone tell me please, what exactly 'rel="nofollow"' does?

It means that your signature give nothing to position of your page.
You also put two the same links so the second link is ignored.
You should prepare link with text - keyword, no with adress. Links with text give better position for this keyword.

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