I am new to internet marketing and would like to ask for advice. I came across the service https://www.articleforge.com/ and content-edge.net, which claim to be able to generate unique content in a minute. Have you encountered this? Is it wise to use them to create a PNB?
DeForseti -3 Newbie Poster
Dani 4,445 The Queen of DaniWeb Administrator Featured Poster Premium Member
rproffitt commented: Listen to Dani! +15
DeForseti commented: I had no experience in creating networks. But I read that creating them is still real. Unfortunately, they do not disclose how they do it. I have litt +0
DeForseti -3 Newbie Poster
rproffitt commented: Isn't this exactly the bad idea an expert warned you about? -3
Dani 4,445 The Queen of DaniWeb Administrator Featured Poster Premium Member
ailerons 31 Newbie Poster
Dani commented: Exactly +34
subhodip 0 Newbie Poster Banned
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