Does anyone have any experience with Casale? I was recently approved, but am a bit disappointed to find out that all of the campaigns appear to be untargeted RON. Is it worth it?

Does anyone have any experience with Casale? I was recently approved, but am a bit disappointed to find out that all of the campaigns appear to be untargeted RON. Is it worth it?

Not sure. Never used them. I know when I leave visiting their website it fills my computer with spy ware. So I'll be checking once I leave here. Hope this doesn't happen:)

Hey Dani.. I just found over 30 tracking cookies from Casalemedia after being on this site. There were a few others like tribalfusion and fastclick, but not sure it they came from here. The annoying things are the Casalemedia pop unders. It makes your site look cheap in my opinion. Maybe you're making more money off this but to the regular user it just looks bad. It's nice when I turn off my browser not to have to click off a pile of pop unders, don't you agree? You side ads should be doing the job for you as long as they are paged properly;)

We don't use Casale :)

Sorry... I must have gotten them from somewhere else. Yet I thought I had scanned those out... Oh well, just shows you it's a good idea to scan regularly :P

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