Hi ,
I am starting a new online community , it mainly discuss hardware related topics , and i am realy not an advanced developer and mainly all the development made on my website was by the help of friends ....
and right now i need to know alot of information about controling my addz ......
1-Is there a software package or somethiong that can help me manage banners and adwords , so i can just enter the image and link and choose its size and location on the site (instead of using HTML codes)...........Looking through almost every website i found that advertisment system is almost the same , banners with diffrent location and sizes , so i guess may be there is an advances p to mange things like this.
2-If i have a client who is making ads on my site , either by pay-per-click ad or per impression , how to prove my statistics and to keep it clear for both me and them.
3-Is there a contract that should be made before putting ads on my website , or just wait and if he doesnt pay i should stop his ads .
4-How often should i ask a client to pay for his ads , and what is the best method of payment should i use.