Probably one of the most important things to have when starting a new site is a high search engine ranking. With most sites, search engines can account for up to 95% of traffic. If you're not placed in the first three pages, it's unlikely you'll get any traffic from a search engine. Google is one of the fastest growing search engines, a high listing here will guarantee you traffic. Google's results are also used by Yahoo when it's finished displaying its own results. To get a high ranking in google you need to design your pages and promotional methods around it.

Also its important to get a high popularity rating, google for example when listing sites will show more popular sites first. It can work this out from how many other sites link to it and the popularity of those sites!


Hi! You both are right, but it's funny how things work out. One day you're in page number one and the next you're at the bottom. I am in the mailing list of someone who has a lot of sites. One of them got 92,204 hits one month and he doesn't have a single reciprocal link in his site! He has a huge mailing list and it is people linking to HIM rather than he to THEM. Interesting, isn't it? :)
Take care!

Yes, this is all directly related to Google PageRank, or PR. PR is determined via a complicated algorithm which apparently highly regards incoming links (or backlinks). The idea is that if a lot of sites link to a particular page, that page must have good content.

It's been awhile so I just thought I'd clarify. PR has nothing to do with how well you rank in the engines. When a page has PR, it encourages google spiders to crawl the page more often and more thoroughly, and therefore dig deeper into your site and spider and index more pages of your site - with more pages constantly indexed and spidered deeper and more often, Google ranking goes up :)

I have come to the point in which I don't worry about it anymore! It goes up and down and whatever! It's happening to others I know, it's just THEM, and I just let it be.
Thanks everyone for all your input. :confused:

so a page rank of 1 means i'm number one out of all the websites on google?

i'm the man!

so a page rank of 1 means i'm number one out of all the websites on google?

i'm the man!

lol no but you might get a few free passwords out of it!

Thanks for all the terrific info about the foggy world of search engines! ;)

The more sites link to your site, the higher your google ranking will be :)

so a page rank of 1 means i'm number one out of all the websites on google?

i'm the man!

PR ranges from 0 to 10, with 10 being the best. Generally a 0 means that it is a new site or you are banned from Google for black hat SEO tactics of some sort, such as cloaking or doorway pages, perhaps. A PR of 1 to 4 is pretty easily achievable with some good promotion. A PR of 5 means that you've done some SEO work and promotion, and it shows. A PR of 6 is pretty darn good. A PR of 7 means that you're an SEO expert and have lots of good incoming links to your site. A PR of 8 means that you're an authority site in your industry. And PRs of 9 and 10 are really only achievable for big corporate powerhouses that are authorities on the Internet.

so a page rank of 1 means i'm number one out of all the websites on google?

i'm the man!

Yea generally when you have a 10 you have a good a really good ranking.

Sorry to break the news to you

are link exchanges allowed were you swap with 1000s of other sites?
Or is this frowned upon by google?

turnkeysolution, thanks very much for that page rank checker :D i was wondering how i would go about finding out what my page rank is. ok, i was dissappointed but not surprised to find it was 0, at such an early stage LOL! but hey, it'll give me something to measure how my traffic and rankings are going

PR is definately not everything though. A lot of webmasters get way too obsessed about it. Where you appear for searches for your keywords is much more important (as is linking with sites who will send you quality traffic, regardless of their PR).

And yes, google frowns upon link farms.

turnkeysolution, thanks very much for that page rank checker :D i was wondering how i would go about finding out what my page rank is. ok, i was dissappointed but not surprised to find it was 0, at such an early stage LOL! but hey, it'll give me something to measure how my traffic and rankings are going

Download the Google toolbar ( if you are an Internet Explorer user. However, the PR gauge on the toolbar only updates quarterly.

Thanks! I do have the toolbar already, so that's a start, I guess lol

OMG, my site has gone up to a rank of 3! I know this isn't much in the grand scheme of things, but I think that's pretty good for just over a week's work. I've taken on board everything that's been said on this site, and I'm so grateful for the help I've found. I'd be still lost as to what to do if it weren't for this site :) Thanks!

I think we already know what page rank is... the question was, how (in practical terms) would one go about getting it increased? Sure, create good content, but how do people find out about your content if your page rank is low? Seems to be a chicken and egg situation...

To get rank into search engines you need to create backlinks for your website. This you can do by article submissions, blogs, directory submissions, forum discussions and lot others.

Yeah. you are right. Also we need to do white hate seo methods to get quality traffic to our site.

Lots of backlinks required for high search engine ranking.

But its not such a big secret can you define this in details so i can understand it more better.

Well i think lots of backlinks are not required.. You can also achieve good rankings with fewer backlinks but those all should be quality backlinks!

No one can guarantee about the first position of any search engine but a firm can try to achieve at first place. It's depends upon the quality of content and back links from trusted websites.

Well ranking at search engines is more about algorithm than effective listing. However, backlinks through forum posting and blogging are effective in getting the ratings up. Customer feedback is also another SEO strategy for getting noticed quickly.

i think no one has posted the exact secret of google .
some one who have knowledge can share it here

I do SEO's experience is optimized website, optimize the keyword.

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