I have recently started a forum and was wondering what the best way to drive traffic to it is. I have seen many "pay to post" companies out there, but I am worried that all that will accomplish is filling my board with meaningless clutter. I have not started a forum for myself, but I have managed several larger ones. Is patience the key? Or should I be more pro-active? Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
CaptainPeanuts 0 Newbie Poster
Memento 2 Light Poster
andrewbowe 0 Light Poster
Memento 2 Light Poster
CaptainPeanuts 0 Newbie Poster
einfoway 1 Junior Poster
BamaStangGuy 0 Master of the Web Team Colleague
einfoway 1 Junior Poster
musicbox -2 Junior Poster
einfoway 1 Junior Poster
andrewbowe 0 Light Poster
einfoway 1 Junior Poster
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