I have a site/blog about running shoes. It have shoes posts with shoes description and affiliates links, and other posts with excerpts of shoes reviews (of course with the link to the article source).
Last two weeks I had a query for a shoe model on the google first page (3rd place) that gives me a lot of visitors. Now it isn't anymore on first page.
Now I'm looking for some ideas to do some promotion of the site, but mainly looking for some new content for the site that could bring some additional

Thank you,

Pedro Cardoso

Consider having a communities section on your site, or a blog, this will help you to retain some of the visitors and make your site somewhat sticky.

yes, I already thought in a forum, but is very dificult to promote. the best could be user reviews...

Also check other top shoes sites and look their linking structure and marketing strategies and also what they are missing. :)

hi i suggest you to write more original content on your website and make lonk building contact me i can suugest you the reliable seo company

Yes its fact that unique content and proper marketing stratergies can give you good results and you can also check competitor analysis because there are many shoes website today in any location.

You just need to focus the area which other competitors are missing. the best way is to analysis your site and your competitor site.

Perhaps a mailing list? If you could encourage new visitors to sign up, then you can pull them back at a later date.

Also check out Google AdWords remarketing campaigns. Grow your audience of repeat visitors by drawing back in people who have recently visited.

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