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Reviewed by - Staff

Search Engine Optimization has always been something mere mention of which sends shivers through my body. Actually , it was something that I considered more like witchcraft rather than scientific marketing techniques.

Yeah! But that was until I read Aaron Wall's SEOBook.

Before I actually talk about the book let me tell you the story of how I stumbled across this book and what compelled me to buy it.

If you have even a wee bit experience of search engines from an optimizer's point of view then you must be aware of the fact that if there is something that Search Engines are actually notorious about then it is the Speed at which they change their ranking algorithms.

The lure of additional profits that a high ranking in search engines can get me , obviously , got me hooked into trying to understand this SEO thing a bit. But this was too much effort for me!

To be honest , I have a lot more things to do rather than keep trying to find out what works by hit and trial.

While lurking around the Search Engine Watch Forums , I stumbled across a thread discussing the SEO Book by Aaron Wall. Everyone had good words to say about this book. So , I though that why not try it myself. After all it's just $39.95 .

This investment was virtually risk free for me , after all this book comes with free upgrades for lifetime . So , you know that you will never have an outdated version and will never risk using the tactics which are now outdated and will be of no use to you for getting a better rank.

Even the free 15 minute consultation with the author , which is worth lot more than the cost of the book , made it more lucrative for me to buy it. After all , who wants to miss the opportunity to pick the mind of person who is considered an authority on the subject.

And , this book is fully backed by a 90 Days Full - Refund Guarantee [ I can assure you , after reading this book , you will never want to even lend your copy to someone for a day, leave aside asking for a full refund. ].

Time for an honest review . After all that what you expect at

Where this Book Wins -

Very Easy to Read. - Just 120 pages. No useless theories but to the point practical tips that you can start using now. Yeah! I never speak of those words for any book until it really is like this.

Focuses on business point of view rather than just technical SEO. After all what is the reason of putting so much effort if you are not going to get some return. One thing that I found good about this book is that the focus of the book is SEO from a business point of view.

Talks from personal experiences - Aaron is a moderator at some of the most well known SEO Forums and himself runs a SEO Blog. Throughout the book when he talks of something he again and again refers to his personal experiences.

Best advice on Linking Strategy that I have ever seen- Whosoever I talked to about Search Engine Optimization , they always gave me just one advice. Get Links to your site. I was always trying and trying and trying to get as many links as possible. But it was not working.

I knew something was wrong with my strategy. But what? On page , Aaron told me the exact reason why my strategy was failing to produce any substantial results.

Take my word for it - The linking advice given in this book is of far more value than the cost of the book.

Personal Assistance Assured at Each Step - Through out the book Aaron was there to assure me at the end of every chapter that if I need any further help he is there for me just a email away! Yes. He will be there for you too.

Where Does this book lose -

General Marketing information is not exhaustive. - I can be biased on this point , because at we focus on these topics in real depth. But I would not blame Aaron for this after all his book is about SEO and not Conventional Marketing.

He does a good job with his field and if you need help with conventional marketing tactics , what are we at here for ?

Comparison Tables of various Search Engines and a List of FAQs would have been helpful - But hey! This book comes with a free lifetime update guarantee. Aaron , are you reading this?

What to do now ? I would recommend you grabbing this book now before Aaron changes his mind and renews his price. Believe me - Its highly under-priced and you don't want to miss the opportunity to grab this book just for $39.95. Click here for the details that we missed in this review.

Great Great Book. Aaron gave me a free copy for me to read so I can write a review to help him promote his book even more. Anyone wanting to learn a bit of SEO should BUY this book.

First post

I stumbled on this site and I think I am going to enjoy it.

I loved the review.

I may pick-up a copy myself.

Would be happy to endorse this product as a marketer.... once I read it.


First post

I stumbled on this site and I think I am going to enjoy it.

I loved the review.

I may pick-up a copy myself.

Would be happy to endorse this product as a marketer.... once I read it.


Thank you and Welcome to DaniWeb :D

The book was great and very helpful. I recommend it to all.

avi wilensky

the price now showing is $79 any discounts i am missing

Andy Anand

the price now showing is $79 any discounts i am missing

Andy Anand

Yes! The price was raised sometime ago but considering the value that his ebook has to offer... I still cosider it to be undervauled! Even if Aaron was to double this price, I would consider it to be a bargain :D No seriously!

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