Hey guys,
I am new in net surfing. I am using IE (version 6.0). I want to know your opinions about IE and Firefox. Which one you like to prefer to use? Please feel free to give a frank and independent opinion.

Definitely Firefox. It's a more security browser for one. I know quite a few people who had very infected PCs and were about to throw them out for new ones because they could barely use them anymore. I told them to install Firefox and get rid of IE. Suddenly, none of the issues they had were happening anymore.

Also, there are cool features and plugins. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/

I have a problem with IE: It changes settings for itself that I need set differently to run other special software.

For the most part I use Firefox, but from time to time I'll also use Opera, Safari 3/win, Flock, and IE7.
Usually, I will only use IE6 for testing websites I buil, and the same for IE7.

I totally recommend that you download one of the browsers I listed above and stop using IE6 (except for testing if you are a developer or web designer). You'll enjoy the benefits of a faster and more secure web browser, that will load sites faster than IE6.

For the most part I use Firefox, but from time to time I'll also use Opera, Safari 3/win, Flock, and IE7.
Usually, I will only use IE6 for testing websites I buil, and the same for IE7.

I totally recommend that you download one of the browsers I listed above and stop using IE6 (except for testing if you are a developer or web designer). You'll enjoy the benefits of a faster and more secure web browser, that will load sites faster than IE6.

Yeah it's good for testing out your sites to make sure they look okay in IE. I use it for that also since most people still use IE just because they don't know better. But the percentages of people using Firefox is increasing a lot.

whether u like it or not, 80-85% of web visitors use IE . But from a developer point of view, most people prefer firefox becoz it supports various addons (which are of immense help)

whether u like it or not, 80-85% of web visitors use IE . But from a developer point of view, most people prefer firefox becoz it supports various addons (which are of immense help)

That doesn't mean it's better or that you have to use it except for if you make websites and want to double-check that it looks okay in the browser.

Most people use IE because they don't know about Firefox. The people I have told to install Firefox have all stuck with it.

I say to the asker - just install it and if you don't like it, get rid of it. No hurt in trying it. ;)

I like Firefox, It's original, and security purposes Firefox is safer or (often less exploited) than IE. Firefox in general functions pretty smoothly, in my own opinions has more capability than IE. However I will say this against Firefox. It has gotten a lot bigger than what it first originally was and it has added a few unnecessary features recently. The updates can be a little crazy with firefox (as there have been a lot of them (maybe it's just me who thinks so)), but that's a good thing. IE is really not impressive, like most microsoft products.

i think its good to use firefox bcoz it was easy to use and i prefer to use to use ie bcoz it is also easy to use but ie doest have tabs

I also think that Firefox is slightly faster to load and deliver pages. It's ten times faster to install. It also has tons of free addons. My favorite is Web Developer. It gives you a menu full of developer tools that allow you to use custom css pages, disable javascript and cookies on the fly, and tons of other handy stuff. But as a designer or developer, you are making a huge mistake if you don't test your pages in both browsers. While most of us use Firefox, most users of your site are still on IE because that's the browser that shipped with their dell or hp and they don't know what the hell a Firefox is.

i think firefox is better for me, lot of feature, fresh with many skin and plugin.

but anyway ie is not that bad, ie is good but firefox is better :D

In my opinion, firefox renders the page quicker and more correctly then IE does, although IE7 is a huge improvement over ie6. There's nothing wrong with using both, or more browsers, especially if you're developing code.

you've tryed the rest, now try the best opera all the way for me :)

its easier to develop for firefox then adapt to IE than vice versa. although there is a memory leak in firefox which results in memory build up, only noticeable if left open a very very long time.

Unfortunately this debate will be rendered moot with the release of IE8 and Firefox 3 since both pass the Acid test with flying colors. I know, Microsoft following standards? *gasp*
And although Firefox currently is easier to develop for CSS, IE is much better with Javascript and AJAX (since AJAX is their technology)

whether u like it or not, 80-85% of web visitors use IE . But from a developer point of view, most people prefer firefox becoz it supports various addons (which are of immense help)

I think IE market share is only that high in the highest estimates.

It also varies depending on the type of websites, I did a search and found some recent numbers for IE market share, they vary quite a bit, here are four: 57% 81% 67% 40%

A lot of the higher numbers come from older stats, lower numbers seem to come from stats generated by more high tech sites as the 'geeks' tend to use Mozilla Firefox browsers.

I couldn't agree with you more about the FF plug-ins that help with development, I use Firebug, Web Dev Tool Bar, and some others I can't remember the name of, they are pretty much mandatory for me, otherwise I would be staring at a locked up web page wondering what's wrong with it.

Those plug-ins help with Javascript, httprequests, css, forms, everything, just amazing!

And although Firefox currently is easier to develop for CSS, IE is much better with Javascript and AJAX (since AJAX is their technology)

IE doesn't use Javascript, it uses JScript.
If you do any Javascript programing you will quickly run into the differences between JScript and Javascript because your Javascript will not work in an IE browser.

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is just method of loading new data into a web page that is already in the client browser using Javascript to perform http requests and to receive and parse the XML document passed back in the http response.

IE was the first to have this capability via XMLHttpRequest, but FF has had the capability for 5+years now, you would have to show me an example of IE being better at implementing AJAX than FF for me to believe it.

The reason FF is much easier to develop for is that it predictably renders your web page based on W3C standards, if IE8 will be standards compliant that would be great, I would still prefer FF, but maybe I wouldn't hate IE so much then. ;)

Standards aside, most web pages I look at look better in FF but some pages look much better in IE7, nothing looks better in IE less than 7.

Firefox is much better. Security wise, speed, set-up.

The last time I used Firefox (around a year ago) I preferred it but it kept crashing my computer everytime I used it. I might give the newest update a try...

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