Hello again. Just finished my webpage and was instructed to put in a footer. I am brand new, and still working out all the bugs (firefox doesnt like my webpage yet, and extreme widescreen monitors are a little ignorant as well).

Although my main problem at the moment that i wish to tackle is inserting a footer with dreamweaver. One that no matter whether it is widescreen or square it always puts it to the bottom even if content is only a half page. Please be as basic as possible in explanations even if it is step by stepish as i am still new to web building.

I have just placed the sitemeter/copyright under my table for the time being.

my website is www.tcbwelding.com

Thanks to everyone in advance, and have been very thankful to the help the community has offered so far. Hopefully one day soon i will be able to return the favor.

Try to put the footer inside the table

Create another row in the table
Put all your footer inside that row

I hope that helps to solve your problem

Cat Le

Thing is... when it comes to footers.. They really should be at the bottom of your content and not the screen. Just think about it!? Would you continue reading even when there is no content?

Anyway, I kinda understand where you coming from (after viewing your site). So here is how I'd do it, using css:

<div align="center" style="position: absolute; bottom: 2px; left: 50%;">Copyright 2008 </div>

Make adjustments as you please.

If this solved your problem or pointed you in the right direction. Please add to my rep.

Thing is... when it comes to footers.. They really should be at the bottom of your content and not the screen. Just think about it!? Would you continue reading even when there is no content?

Anyway, I kinda understand where you coming from (after viewing your site). So here is how I'd do it, using css:

<div align="center" style="position: absolute; bottom: 2px; left: 50%;">Copyright 2008 </div>

Make adjustments as you please.

If this solved your problem or pointed you in the right direction. Please add to my rep.

this will not work as content that expands over more than one whole vertical page wont compensate for the extra height.

the footer will rewmain at the bottom of your screen until you scroll. Then it will stay at that position.

i suggest using

<div align="center" style="position: SCROLL; bottom: 2px; left: 50%;">Copyright 2008 </div>

the footer will sit at the very bottom of your page in all circumstances then.

Will give it a shot tonight it was a late night last night, and been trying to research the issue like mad. Seems bottom page footers are almost a nightmare from what i read so far while browsing posts through google. Thanks for the suggestions, and I will be hard at it again tonight until i get it solved! Will make sure to let everyone know which solution works.

There is NO WAY to place something at the bottom of the visible browser window that works with all browsers and screen resolutions. Stop trying.

A tfoot tag works within a table. Place the tags as shown here:

    contents of header
    contents of table footer>
    body of table

You need to either put in all three of the thead, tfoot, and tbody tags, or leave them all out.

The tfoot tag goes before tbody, so the browser can render tables that span more than one printed page easily. Each page printed will have the header at the top of the printed part of the table, and the footer at the bottom of the printed page.

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