
I am working on a website and now i have to change the interface of it...........
I have downloaded some templates(web) having their css files within that.
Now can u tell me how can i can change the current interface to the new one (new one means the template i have downloaded)

ADeel Mannan
Keep Sharing, Keep growing

Just copy and paste the info from your old html page into the new one that already has all the style tags.

the code has been done of html at multiple pages, means the html code has been done in the fragments( each part within a page coming given the same source....) now the template i have its hving the two cc files having all the interfaces of the website, how can i go for that?????

I don't understand your question.

ok i want to use the template of multiflex version 4... u download tht template ok thn tell me hw i can merge it in my code for my website.......

ok dnt do tht then atleast help me out tht in tht template i have two css files nd then hw i merge it with the current interface of my site. i mean my site is ready but i want to change its template

1. Don't be afraid to use vowels in your words. It's really hard to take you seriously when you type like that.

2. Do you know html and css? If not, there are a ton of very useful tutorials online.

i know html and a bit css but the issue me facing rite now i hv told u i hv to deliver the site to the client in two hours with change interface please figure out the matter

You can learn css in two hours. You haven't described your problem to me either. All you've said is that you want A to fit into B. Irregardless, I have a paper due in a few hours so I won't be doing your work for you.

i hv used css nd html in my website currently too all i want you is to guide me tht how i shall start making the template i have seen means hw i can convert it into the template one..............

i hv used css nd html in my website currently too all i want you is to guide me tht how i shall start making the template i have seen means hw i can convert it into the template one..............

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What does "change the interface" mean?

You have to match your code to the code in the CSS by class and id names.

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