I've got the following css:

a:hover {background-color:#ff3300};
#links a
color: #FFFFFF;
background-color: #CC00CC;



padding:0.2em 1.5em;


body {background-color: #000000};

The problem is that I want the hover to work, just as what is in #links a. The problem is, it seems, is that they are not compatible with each other; the one I put on top works, the other doesn't. How can I solve this?

Thank You.

(Anohter quick question: what would be a good way to make everything float to the left?)

well... i think it should work by specifying the a:hover as anither class in the #links id... like this:

#links a

#links a:hover
commented: Helpful, it worked. +3

It works indeed. Thanks!

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