
What software(s) are people using to make videos? I am interested in making my own short documentaries, programs etc. with the intention of hosting a reduced quality format on my website. However I would like to also have a decent quality fit for broadcasting or DVD’s as well.

Way back in 2001 I used to use Adobe Premier, can’t remember which version, but I think they were on version 5 or 6 at that time.

Thank you.

The stuff that came with the camera.

The stuff that came with the camera.

What camera you got there?

I was thinking of using moving graphics, since I don't have the equipment for film.

I have Corel Draw for moving graphics.

For split, cut, join, crop, resize, watermarking, de-interlece, dvd rip - i'm use VideoChrage. Very good soft.

At work with several files at the best! :-)


and microsoft gives u a free software.[lol]
its windows movie maker. and search it u can find it if u use xp or vista.
some example at youtube
or <snipped>

I use ulead mediaStudio. now ulead is purchased by Coral so it may be comes with the name of coral ulead mediaStudio.

coral mainly promote and enhanced coral ulead videoStudio. which is another movee editing software.
but i like mediaStudio.

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