Hi! I'm trying to make a flash intro for a client. I can make all the flashy effects and all that...but I have no idea how to make an intro that automatically redirects to the homepage when it's done. I can't find any tutorials about it...so I'm betting it's something obvious that I just havent figured out yet.

Any help will be appreciated.

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

use getURL() function. Use this function ion layer action panel of last frame.

hi thanks for the quick responses! but i think my first post was a bit misleading. Acutally, the only thing I can do in Flash is make a simple banner , which i learnt from quick 10-minute tutorials. So can you guys give a little more detail?

Thanks again

I think you are looking for a preloader.
A preloader is a movieclip which plays until getBytesLoaded=getBytesTotal (the whole flash movie is loaded). After loaded, the movie goes to the main frame using gotoAndPlay.
Here's a tutorial.

at the end of the frame please write this code


please above code instead link.ext your home page and that extension

Thanks guys! I finally got it working!

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