Hey Guys,

Recently I had a bet with my friend and colleague at the same time :)
He is a programmer and he was telling that application doesn’t necessary require the good design. It can go without.
What would you think?

first design is the important for web application it's give look and feel as important as constance after programming

To be honest, I rather have a fully featured shitty looking application then a nice looking one that bearly works.

and i think most people would agree with me.

I don't want to pay extra for fancy looks.

If when you say good design you are talking about appearance, then no, that is not necessary. But IMO design also includes layout and having an application that is well organized and user friendly is very important. Have a well programmed application is great, but if users cant enter data properly, the app is worthless.

I believe both aspects are important, in balance. Functionality should not suffer because of artistry. I think that there is a designer in every programmer, and vice versa. The end result of any project should reflect the requirements of the end-user.

There is no Design nobody can't see ...

Hey Guys!
Wow, there are a lot of comments. I'm surprised Thanks
Such kind of discussion is a normal thing between programming and designing departments in our studio (<URL snipped>). I liked your posts and certainly I'll drop them to him!

Hey Guys,

Recently I had a bet with my friend and colleague at the same time :)
He is a programmer and he was telling that application doesn’t necessary require the good design. It can go without.
What would you think?

I would say that having both skills would be better. A good graphic artist would not be of use without a good developer and vice versa. but if you're a jack of all trades, then it's better that way.

He is telling the truth, Most IT companies which claims themselve to be CMM,CMMI certified skip designing software , but later the projects become maintenance nightmare.

I think they are both fundamentally important. Those who disagree tend to be mediocre developers, or inexperienced developers.

I would say that having both skills would be better. A good graphic artist would not be of use without a good developer and vice versa. but if you're a jack of all trades, then it's better that way.

I have nothing to add. I absolutely agree. I think it's the very best way to behave in our company !)

Programming without design yields unusable applications. It's like a car with a nice engine but no doors.

Design without programming also yields unusable applications. It's like a nice car with great doors but no engine.

The best designers understand the demands of programming and take them into consideration while designing. The best programmers understand the tasks that users are attempting to achieve, the overall goals of the application, and other design considerations while programming. In an ideal world, design and programming fit together seamlessly with design enhancing the functionality the programmer built and vice-versa.

Just my $0.02 :)


overall of this nobody should boast in his skills, you'll just bringing down your self, don't compare if your not perfect.

overall of this nobody should boast in his skills, you'll just bringing down your self, don't compare if your not perfect.

Nobody is perfect, and if you happened to be perfect just make sure you not standing behind glass in the museum as their exposition ;)

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