This is just a practice web site, but I'd like to know how to do something before I upload my site to a professional web host.

Here is the link.

Now notice the frame set on the left column. It's titled nav2.htm If you click on "Game Info" it brings you to an htm file called nav2.htm. What I want to do is have a different color scheme for each videogame platform listed below "Game Info," for instance, "Gamecube," "Xbox," "Playstation 2," "Dreamcast," etc. I want each videogame system to have its own color scheme. If you click on the "Gamecube" or "Dreamcast" links you will notice that I have already begun this, BUT as the body on the right side of the page changes the frame on the left side stays the same color.

I already have an htm file titled nav3.htm with the Gamecube color scheme, but how do I implement it into the frame set ONLY when the "Gamecube" link under "Game Info" is clicked?

I have been messing around with this for hours now, and I've gotten the color scheme in the frame to change to the color I wanted but it stayed that color as I clicked through the rest of the links.

Thanks in advance.

personally I wouldn't use frames, I'd just integrate them into one page, but...

You either need to create a new frameset page with links to your color-co-ordinated menu and content, and then link to that instead of the content page, or use a javascript event to update both frames. Note that users with javascript disabled will then find your site totally inaccessible.

You either need to create a new frameset page with links to your color-co-ordinated menu and content, and then link to that instead of the content page...

As I explained above, that didn't work. I made a new frameset titled nav3.htm that has the same color scheme for the GC page, and it worked BUT whenever I chose another videogame platform from the list (nav2.htm list) it STAYED the color for nav3.htm. All I need to know is why does the frame stay the color for nav3.htm when I go through the other links?

well I can't actually locate theh pages you are referring to, but have you remembered to address it with target="_top"? otherwise it will attempt to open your new frameset in the current frame.

All you have to do is click on the link that says "Game Info" and I'm referring to the Dreamcast, GBA, and Gameboy Advance links under Game Info.

Instead of linking to the page with the information on it, you need to link to a new frameset page. Your frameset page will be the same as your index page, with the menu of your choice in the left, and the content in the right. You then have to set the target to be _top.
Other than that just use a javascript from google to update two frames with one click.

I'm fairly new at this, maybe I shouldn't use frames for now because that didn't make much sense to me.

Here is what my index page currently looks like...


<title>Finger Skills</title>
<frameset cols="135,*" frameborder="no" framespacing="0">
<frame src="mynav1.htm" name="nav">
<frame src="myhome.htm" name="main">
<body background="#d6e9d7" bgcolor="#d6e9d7" text="#1d2920" link="#1d2920" vlink="#993300" alink="#f3824b">
<p>Sorry but your browser can not properly display our frames based Website. Please consider updating your browser. You can download one from <a href="<A href="">here</a>.</p">">here</a>.</p>

This is mynav1.htm

<title>Finger Skills Navigation</title>
<base target="main">
<body bgcolor="#d6e9d7" text="#1d2920" link="#f3824b" vlink="orange" alink="#1d2920">
<p align="left"><font size="5" color="#ff0000" face="poor richard">Content</font></p>
<a href="myhome.htm">Home</a><br>
<a href="" target="blank_">Forums</a><br>
<a href="mynav2.htm" target="nav">Game Info</a><br>
<a href="archives.htm">Archives</a><br>
<a href="aboutus.htm">About Us</a><br>
<a href="myfeedback.htm">Feedback</a><br>

Here is mynav2.htm

<title>Finger Skills Navigation</title>
<base target="main">
<body bgcolor="#d6e9d7" text="#1d2920" link="#f3824b" vlink="orange" alink="#1d2920">
<p align="left"><font size="5" color="#ff0000" face="poor richard">Content</font></p>
<a href="myhome.htm">Home</a><br>
<a href="" target="blank_">Forums</a><br>
<a href="mynav1.htm" target="nav">Game Info</a><br>
&nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="Reviews/videogamereviews.htm">Reviews</a><br>
&nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="Previews/videogamepreviews.htm">Previews</a><br>
&nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="News/videogamenews.htm">News</a><br>
&nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="Xbox/xbox.htm">Xbox</a><br>
&nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="Playstation2/ps2.htm">Playstation 2</a><br>
&nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="Gamecube/gamecube.htm">Gamecube</a><br>
&nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="GameBoyAdvance/gba.htm">GBA</a><br>
&nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="PC/pc.htm">PC</a><br>
&nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="PSP/psp.htm">PSP</a><br>
&nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="Dreamcast/dreamcast.htm">Dreamcast</a><br>
&nbsp; &nbsp; <font color="#f3824b">N-Gage</fontt><br>
&nbsp; &nbsp; <font color="#f3824b">Retro</font><br>
&nbsp; &nbsp; <font color="#f3824b">Media</font><br>
&nbsp; &nbsp; <font color="#f3824b">Cheats</font>
<p><a href="aboutus.htm">About Us</a><br>
<a href="myfeedback.htm">Feedback</a><br>
<a href="archives.htm">Archives</a><br>

Now, when I click on the link "Gamecube" (see mynav2.htm above) I want the frame on the left of the page to change as well as the frame on the right. I made a mynav3.htm with the color scheme I want for the frame, but I don't know how to implement it.

Can you use code to help and then tell me where I need to place it? Thanks.

Ok, I'll give that a shot. Thanks.

np. let us know how you get on.

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