Hello all,

I've just started using Dreamweaver 8, very happy but really upset to know Im having alot of trouble trying to use the site definition. :(

If anyone can please point out to me where I am going wrong that would be a great help and I would be most gratefully.


1. How do you connect to your testing server ?


2. What is the hostname or FPT address or your web server?

Was not to sure if it is my ip address that goes in here or the name of my website but I have done both and I am still not getting nowhere.

3.FTP login?

Any name

4.FTP password?


I then get error signs saying, An FTP error occurred- cannot make a connection to host. The remote host cannot be found.

Also I get this, An FTP error occurred- cannot make a connection to host, Dreamweaver cannot conect to host (my ip number) This may be due to one or more of the follwing reasons.

-The network cable is unplugged or tyhe network is down, please verify that the netwoek cable is connected.
-The FTP sever is down.
-The FTP host name is incorrect.
-The server uses SFTP and that box is not ticked
-The server uses FTP and that box is not ticked
-Accessing server requires firewall settings that arent propley set.

I have messed around with alot of the settings and my firewall to and I really just do not know what to do no more, so please if anyone has any spare time to help me out that would be really great.

Thank you.

Do you have a test server online? If not then no amount of FTP settings will work for you. Do you have content within your site that requires a server to process? If not, then you don't need to do anything with a test server. Just says everything will be stored local and to test your page press F12.

After we design html page we will upload in to website then use ftp mean file transfer protocal we have ftp use id and password like window for every website

Hello all,

I've just started using Dreamweaver 8, very happy but really upset to know Im having alot of trouble trying to use the site definition. :(

If anyone can please point out to me where I am going wrong that would be a great help and I would be most gratefully.


1. How do you connect to your testing server ?


2. What is the hostname or FPT address or your web server?

Was not to sure if it is my ip address that goes in here or the name of my website but I have done both and I am still not getting nowhere.

3.FTP login?

Any name

4.FTP password?


I then get error signs saying, An FTP error occurred- cannot make a connection to host. The remote host cannot be found.

Also I get this, An FTP error occurred- cannot make a connection to host, Dreamweaver cannot conect to host (my ip number) This may be due to one or more of the follwing reasons.

-The network cable is unplugged or tyhe network is down, please verify that the netwoek cable is connected.
-The FTP sever is down.
-The FTP host name is incorrect.
-The server uses SFTP and that box is not ticked
-The server uses FTP and that box is not ticked
-Accessing server requires firewall settings that arent propley set.

I have messed around with alot of the settings and my firewall to and I really just do not know what to do no more, so please if anyone has any spare time to help me out that would be really great.

Thank you.

All you need to do is to manage your site by selecting New >> Site in the dialog box.
Then the first stage allow you to name your site.
At the second stage, since you are a beginner, you'll sellect option "no i don't want to use a server technology.
Third stage you select the reccomended option, then you browse to the local folder you want to store your website in or yor creat one if you've not previously created any.
Fourth stage: select local/network. it;s always the default, then you browse to the same folder you used at stage 3.
At 5, select no don't enable check in and check out. Hit the next button.
then you're done. simple

commented: Correct answer! +9

Thanks for your replies, but after much messing around on dreamweaver I went to manager sites and I went through the options untill I got to the question how do you connect to the remote server and I press RDS and this seems to of connected my page to the server, on files it shows me that it has connected to the remote host, quick question for you is it ok for me to connected this way and when I build sites will I be able to get my site on the web this way.

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