
I've created an external style sheet for a webaite I'm building but it's not working correctly as the notepad file I created for this insists on saving as a text document. please can someone tell me how I save this as a css file type?

Many thanks!

save the document and then just change the extension name in the finder.

Note: this does work in Windows.. just rename the file where ever it resides instead of trying to force Note Pad to save it with the .css extension.

Alternatively, you can download TextWragler for free from barebones which is accurately about 750% better than notepad in Windows or simple text on a Mac.

Thanks, I'll give it a shot.

Surround the filename in double quotes:
Click Save As
Filename: "default.css"

Change "Save as type" from "Text Documents (*.txt)" to "All Files" and in "File Name" type name with css file extention like styles.css. Always work for me...

Change "Save as type" from "Text Documents (*.txt)" to "All Files" and in "File Name" type name with css file extention like styles.css. Always work for me...

The above, is the correct answer.

You can always determine the desired file type with "SaveAs" command; choose File Type: "All Files", and save it as whatever txt-file format you like including .csv; .js; .css; .htm; .html; .php;...; etc, etc...


You can also help speed up the process by saving the file with "quotes" around the name. This forces Windows to accept the file type.


SAVE AS: _________________

SAVE AS: "filename.css"

The output would be a CSS style sheet.

LOL, somebody is trying for clever. How about creating file through command line? Faster then extra click in dialogue menus. I can do that...

save your file with the ext. of .css
if you give the css file name style.css

when you call the css style sheet in you html page give the code

<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />

save your file with the ext. of .css
if you give the css file name style.css

when you call the css style sheet in you html page give the code

<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />

Man when do you start reading posts as whole, not just section you want!
Question asked was how do I save my external CSS in notepad, not how do I call my CSS in web site document!

I just go CTRL + S and save as styleSheetName.css and it saves as a CSS file...styleSheetName.css goes in the file name area. leave save as type alone, just make sure the name has .css after it.

All you have to do is specify the .css extension in the filename when you save the file. I don't try to change the file type dropdown. It works for me for both .htm and .css files.


I've created an external style sheet for a webaite I'm building but it's not working correctly as the notepad file I created for this insists on saving as a text document. please can someone tell me how I save this as a css file type?

Many thanks!

which notepad are you using? notepad++ and notepad2 have no silly problems that i know, try one of these..

I shouldn't matter which one he is using, as long as he saves the file as "filename.css" i the file name line in notepad it should save as a css file.

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