So I want to make a slide show where an image can be seen, then fades out to the next image. However I do not want any next/previous buttons, or a description. I would also like it to display images from a sub-folder or possibly xml.

Right now I am doing this using JavaScript because I do not know anything about flash. So I guess my question is can some one point me in the right direction as to how I can archive this using Flash CS3? [Tutorials, Help, Other Places to ask].


there have one option in photoshop
File Menu > Automative > Web Gallery

There have some gallery designes check

fill them you got xml, javascript, flash all files from the web gallery

That unfortunately does not do what I want


I got this from a template I purchased.
All I can do is collect the files you need for this ROTATOR and send you a download link.

You can change any value regarding speed, text, text color and add as much images as you want. The images are called from the XML file. You will see

Let me know if this works for you.


Ummmm....i'm doing such things as i use flash cs3 doing my work :)

But i dont know how can i help u in dat way ?!!

& i know how to make want u want using flash CS3

As far as I know there are two options with your project (if you haven't done it already). The simpler way is to go into Flash and use motion tweens for your pictures and text maybe adding some effects here and there. The other more grueling option is to use Action script to call the XML files or pull them from an external folder. It will probably be easier if you choose Actionscript to integrate it with XML since AS3.0 is Object oriented. If you already know Javascript AS3.0 probably won't be a problem. If you're like me and you don't, you have a steep learning curve ahead of you

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