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Im currently selling web hosting services and i have a template and site is running well untill if found out that my template only works for IE7 and Safari and doesnt work for FireFox or any other browsers. I really need help because im losing customers who visit my site via firefox.

Im not really sure whats wrong, please help.

Here is my CSS file

/* Base Style */
body {
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a {
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a:hover {
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h1 {
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h3 {
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h4 {
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h5 {
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/* Header */
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/* Main Nav */
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#menuList li a#ordernowX {
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/* Sub Nav */
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#date {
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/* Main Content Area */
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#content {
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/* Page Layout */
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#included .heading {
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#included a {
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.plan_heading {
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.content_content {
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.orderheading h3 {
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#mContenth h2, #mContenth h3 {
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#plantable TD {
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.planspecs TD {
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.planspecsH TD {
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.planspecsH2 TD {
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.planCell1 {
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#partners {
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.pricesplan {
	font-size: 1.3em;
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#instantM {
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/* Sidebar */
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.transfernew {
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#code_of_ethics {
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/* Misc */
#awards {
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#awards h3 {
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.note {
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.icons p {
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.icons p a {
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#uptimechart {
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#clientquote .quotetext {
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and heres my index.html file:

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Heres the link to my site incase u need to take a look.


Validate the page with the W3C. I'm sure you'll find several errors.

I found two the validation service won't find:

1. You have an 0px style value in your p tag style. This is invalid in Firefox, and causes the entire p tag style to be thrown away. There may be more of these.

2. You have size styles (width, height), and nonzero surrounding styles (margin, border, padding) in the same style or on the same tag. This causes size and placement errors, because IE wrongly nests them in the wrong order. FF and other browsers place the surrounding styles outside the defined size styles, as the W3C specifies. IE crams them inside the size styles.

The trick is to not use nonzero surrounding styles and size styles in the same tag. Nest two tags, with one style in each.

commented: Well spoted +12
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