Below is the code for my page, and I'd like some suggestions so I can "stream line" my page.

Here is a direct link: www.myspace.com/djkonkerock

Also, how would I insert a table in that blank space in between my top 8 and comment section? I would appreciate any help, thanks.

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div table table td {padding-top:0px;}
body table table table td {padding-top:6px;}
<div class="thebanner"><img src="http://i33.tinypic.com/2e5439g.jpg" /></a><br />KONKER DESIGN</div>

Any help or suggestions on how to make it better would be great.

Suggestion: TOO CRAMPED!
1.Take off your sidebar DJ KONKER things (I like them but it crowds the design)
2. Make your logo bigger so that in the middle you can stick your music box and that picture with the Konker heading.
3. all those, DJs last post last log-in, and so on, get laid out under your Logo (which has your music box and CD cover on it), BUT, you must lay them out along the width of the page, like so:
Last post: Last Log-in: CD:
4. Put your friends pictures centered under the text.

And thats about it, people dont like having to scroll down every time they want to see the next thing, its nicer to take off some of the bling and find space for your content.

I agree. It took three minutes for the whole thing to load on DSL.

Put in multiple pages, with links to each one from the main page.

It looks good... I got a couple of comments... its too graphic intensive...and the headphone plugs are all over the page...and your logo is too big...

Before doing enything else, fix the errors:

Errors found while checking this document as HTML 4.01 Transitional!
Result: 342 Errors, 281 warning(s)

Check your page at http://validator.w3.org.

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