I need to add a form to my webpage that will email me the responses that vistors leave for me, where do i start, i have the form layout on my page but how do i get it processed?? i use godaddy to host. thanks

well really speaking you need a server side language such as php, which naturally GoDaddy probably don't offer you.
So you can either go the less reliable way of
<form action="mailto:me@mydomain.com" enctype="text/plain">
Your form in here

Or if you visit http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=39991 then a friend of mine is for some reason offering to process peoples forms for free with his php server. No idea why. Anyway, it's the second post, 1st code block.

I need to add a form to my webpage that will email me the responses that vistors leave for me, where do i start, i have the form layout on my page but how do i get it processed?? i use godaddy to host. thanks

Actually it seems like GoDaddy does support PHP -- and I'm sure there are plenty of code snippets you can find right here on DaniWeb to help you get started.


$to = "ee@eddieelmi.com"; #set address to send form to

$subject = "Results from your Request Info form"; #set the subject line

$headers = "From: Form Mailer"; #set the from address, or any other headers ***********************

$forward = 0; # redirect? 1 : yes || 0 : no

$location = "eddieelmi.com.htm"; #set page to redirect to, if 1 is above

The $headers form, is this the line that the email address that a visitor submitted, so I will be able to reply to them, and what code do I replace in this line to make it do that because the from line from the actual email is : Form.Mailer@linhost108.mesa1.secureserver.net

Thanks for all your help

yes change it to

$headers = "From: $email"; #set the from address, or any other headers

and then add a field to your form named email.

thanks, i learned C++ from school which is coming in ver handy with all these scripts, i just graduated from st johns so if anyone could possibly send my resume along that would be helpfull, thanks for you help.... ee@eddieelmi.com

Post your script for the form, and I'll help you out

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