I created a web site using Frontpage.
Frontpage makes the code a complete mess, though.
My web site looks alright in IE - Everything is aligned correctly
But in Firefox it look hideous. My bottom line question is,
How do I go back into frontpage and design my website
in a firefox browser, and then add conditional comments?
Where do I add the conditional comments in the line of code?
Eh, even just a nice little link to a website that would
elaborate on how to go about this process would be so helpful.

Ps: If you can't tell, I've only been learning this for about a week :(
But I'm quick learner if I have the right people teaching me,
So please try not to discourage. I really appreciate it!!

I created a web site using Frontpage.
Frontpage makes the code a complete mess, though.
My web site looks alright in IE - Everything is aligned correctly
But in Firefox it look hideous. My bottom line question is,
How do I go back into frontpage and design my website
in a firefox browser, and then add conditional comments?
Where do I add the conditional comments in the line of code?
Eh, even just a nice little link to a website that would
elaborate on how to go about this process would be so helpful.

Ps: If you can't tell, I've only been learning this for about a week :(
But I'm quick learner if I have the right people teaching me,
So please try not to discourage. I really appreciate it!!


your problem is your using frontpage, ie and frontpage are both microsoft so thats why it works on ie. in the web industry you code for firefox and safari and tweak for ie if necessary but using conditional stylesheets and hacks is bad practice. post your code or a link to your site and well get you started.

the code produced by frontpage looks hideous in IE too,
at any screen resolution other than the one it was developed at, or in a part screen window at the same resolution (try it).
all the fixed pixel divs and tables do not scale, do not adjust,
not the sort of thing to put out on the web as a first contact point.
would be better to use another page layout program.
even notepad and use browsers to preview the page,
If you must use frontpage don't wysiwyg.
use html view and change all the pixel measurements to something that will scale ems or %

Frontpage is MS,
it will do the job, but not well or fast, and not without a lot of tweaking,
the only benefit, it comes 'free' in Office

the code produced by frontpage looks hideous in IE too,
at any screen resolution other than the one it was developed at, or in a part screen window at the same resolution (try it).
all the fixed pixel divs and tables do not scale, do not adjust,
not the sort of thing to put out on the web as a first contact point.
would be better to use another page layout program.
even notepad and use browsers to preview the page,
If you must use frontpage don't wysiwyg.
use html view and change all the pixel measurements to something that will scale ems or %

Frontpage is MS,
it will do the job, but not well or fast, and not without a lot of tweaking,
the only benefit, it comes 'free' in Office

em and %'s arent good to use unless your site is completely expandable which is not common. fixed width divs are generally used.


your problem is your using frontpage, ie and frontpage are both microsoft so thats why it works on ie. in the web industry you code for firefox and safari and tweak for ie if necessary but using conditional stylesheets and hacks is bad practice. post your code or a link to your site and well get you started.

Www.allgreenedup.net <-
I can give you the code if you perfer.
Which programs should I use to code it for firefox?
Why are conditional comments bad practice?

Why are conditional comments bad practice?

because the browser that requires the conditional comments is also changing, your site becomes invisible.

WYSIWYG editors, any of them, use so many kludges to adjust positioning, that they never work right.
Its usually easier faster and more standards compliant, to use a text editor to type what you want, and the view mode only to make sure its what you meant to type.

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<meta http-equiv="Page-Enter" content="blendTrans(Duration=1.0)">
<meta http-equiv="Site-Exit" content="blendTrans(Duration=1.0)">

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        <font size="4" color="#C0C0C0">All Greened Up</font><font color="#C0C0C0"> 
        provides you with top quality solution sets for your small business at 
        incomparable prices!<br>
        We operate as fast &amp; efficient technicians who continue to provide you 
        with honest customer service along the way. <br>
        Our team has more than 2 decades of experience in the&nbsp; LAN + WAN 
        design, installation &amp; service.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br>
        <font size="4" color="#C0C0C0">Our company</font><font size="5" color="#FFFFFF">
        </font><font color="#C0C0C0">consistently contributes to the new development 
        of services and products in the data networking &amp; telecommunication industries.&nbsp;
        Are services are the leading choice for hundreds of southern California 
        based companies and our products are sold and supported world wide.<br>
        &nbsp;</font><p><font size="4" color="#C0C0C0">With our services</font><font color="#C0C0C0"> 
        you are able to seamlessly connect &amp; network your communications 
        needs to 
        anywhere in the world securely and with ease.&nbsp;
        So allow us take care of your full communication requirements, While you 
        get the rewards!!<br>
        <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
        <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
        <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
        <td height="447" width="50">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
        <img border="0" src="matrix-05.gif" width="6" height="345"><p>&nbsp;</p>

is utter garbage, looking at just the last 10 lines, in many browsers(all except IE) measurements without dimension are discarded <td height=447>is just <td> and the cell height adjusts to fit the contents, the layout ceases to exist,
In the code above, every element has some style or dimension added, done in a more standard compliant manner, the styles are defined in an external stylesheet and cached and only downloaded once, , or between <style></style> tags in the head, not dozens of times for every page.
<p align="center">&nbsp;</p> =<p></p>
tables are only used for tables, sets of numbers, they take too long to load.
In line 1: MICROSOFT schema - you wonder why it wont work right ion any non-MS browser, its coded not to.

I use notepad2 (a notepad replacement with code prompting syntax highlighting and error checking included to write the page, and have thumbdrive versions of Firefox Opera Maxthon safari avant installed in a sandbox to get the appearance right in as many browsers as possible. Its turned out much faster than debugging WYSIWYG crap code. you just tab through the browsers and refresh the page after edits to the source.

My kids use pagebreeze http://www.formbreeze.com/freehtmleditor/formbuilder_editor.htm
a combo wysiwyg/text editor that produces compliant code

hope it helps

how about trying using dreamweaver?

I use notepad and write my own code.

The problems between the nonstandard IE and the standards-obeying browsers like Firefox are not easily fixed by using conditional styles.

They are easily fixed by not using size styles (width, height) in the same tags or styles with nonzero surrounding styles (margin, border, padding). IE nests styles these in the wrong order when applying them to the same tag.

The trick is nesting two tags, one with the size styles, and one with the surrounding styles, in the order you want them.

Here is a page with some tips for making compatible web pages.:


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