Hey all,

I am a newbie to this forum and web-design and hope this has not been asked a hundred times.

I have created a content box in Photoshop CS2. I have made it a transparent png. I am curious to see if I can add text to it in CSS or do I need to do it in photoshop? Also, I would like to add images to this content box, is this possible?

I added this as an image as an attachment.

Finally, should I add this as an image in my html file or css?


addin Png in html causes white background sometimes. and also png takes more space then all other images. if u want to add some content over an image @ html. use the image as background.
i used 3 gif images as my background on my site. i could use png also. but for keep speed flow most of the designers use gif and jpeg.


Thanks for your reply.


Hi Erek4,

First things first. Read up on the link below, it will explain how to create rounded corners (too lazy to type it out for you)
Click here.

You can use PNG or Gif, only older browsers don't support png transparency, but if you really wanted to use them, you could use a pngFIX. but GIFs usually do the trick. Take a look at yet another link below to get an idea of what file formats do what:

Thanks for the input. I was curious, can I save the image as a gif in photoshop. In photoshop, I thought I was limited to what format I could save an image to. Also, when I added text to the image I was unable to save it in any format except: .psd

I will check this out again.

Thanks for the links and the comparison chart.



Photoshop allows you to save as specific web formats. Not sure what version you are using, but to save for web do the following:

FILE > Save for web and devices
or alternatively use the shortcut;

WELLL!! macneato. i thinkg he do know how to save!!! [no offence] :)

In photoshop, I thought I was limited to what format I could save an image to. Also, when I added text to the image I was unable to save it in any format except: .psd

Read the post probably... then re-think what you just said to me.

sry!! i didnt saw that!! :(


Thanks, I am new to Photoshop (CS2) and wanted to make sure I was doing it right.


make sure that when you want to save your image in PS as a gif, that your bit rate is set to 8 and rgb. rastarize all your layers before saving, that would prevent the text from changing in some instances. you can put your image in a pop up div in dreamweaver that works wonders.

p.s. when you do save an image for .gif, just make sure that your background is transparent and your checkbox for transparent is selected.

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