Hi, I have some problem making a pop up customized from a form...I didn't have problem to make the pop up, but had some trying to customize it, cause I want it with no toolbar, no location ,no directories, no status,no menubar,no scrollbars,no resizable and width=770,height=600 . I am using an "action" button.

So, I'll copy the HEAD code and the FORM code for you to see....and hope something comes out....

Thanks Very Much!!!

HEAD code

function land(ref, target)
if (lowtarget=="_self") {window.location=loc;}
else {if (lowtarget=="_top") {top.location=loc;}
else {if (lowtarget=="_blank") {window.open(loc);}
else {if (lowtarget=="_parent") {parent.location=loc;}
else {parent.frames[target].location=loc;};
function jump(menu)
if (splitc!=-1)
else {loc=ref; target="_self";};
if (ref != "") {land(loc,target);}

FORM code

<form action="dummy" method="post"><select name="choice" size="1">
      <option value="">Choose a city...</option>
      <option value="cities/madrid.html*_blank">Madrid</option>
      <option value="cities/amsterdam.html*_blank">Amsterdam</option>
    </select><input TYPE="button" VALUE="GO!" onClick="jump(this.form)"></form>

Those things belong to the user, not to you. You should not have any right to make a window without any controls.

Those things belong to the user, not to you. You should not have any right to make a window without any controls.

Sorry, but.....I have the right indeed....it's my website... If it where like you say, I would hve to let the visitors to change every aspect of my website...everything.

Suggestion, do not reply posts If you're not helping...that's the idea of the forum...

Sorry, but.....I have the right indeed....it's my website... If it where like you say, I would hve to let the visitors to change every aspect of my website...everything.

Suggestion, do not reply posts If you're not helping...that's the idea of the forum...

You do NOT have that right. You are effectively saying that the user can't leave your website, by taking away his controls. This is committing a wrong against the user by taking control away from him and taking over his computer.

I am totally SICK of web page designers who design pages the user can't leave without using the task manager. It should be illegal, with jail time. I have seen this trick used on eBay too often. They fix it so you can't do any comparison shopping once you get to the page. You have to bid to leave it.

It is pure selfishness.

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