hii...i am creating a chart using html and asp
the code for it is :

<% Option Explicit %>

Dim data1Array(3)
data1Array(0) = 5
data1Array(1) = 15
data1Array(2) = 25
data1Array(3) = 50

Dim data2Array(3)
data2Array(0) = 5
data2Array(1) = 10
data2Array(2) = 20
data2Array(3) = 25

Dim labelArray(15)
labelArray(0) = "1"
labelArray(1) = "2"
labelArray(2) = "2"
labelArray(3) = "2"
labelArray(4) = "2"
labelArray(5) = "2"
labelArray(6) = "7"
labelArray(7) = "8"
labelArray(8) = "9"
labelArray(9) = "1"
labelArray(10) = "11"
labelArray(11) = "12"
labelArray(12) = "13"
labelArray(13) = "14"
labelArray(14) = "15"
labelArray(15) = "16"


'How many pixels high we want our bar graph
Const graphHeight = 300
Const graphWidth = 450
Const barImage = "bluebar.gif"
Const barImage1 = "redbar.gif"
'h 300 , w 450

sub BarChart(data1 , data2, labels, title, axislabel)
	'Print heading
	Response.Write("<TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=2 BORDER=1 WIDTH=" & graphWidth & ">" & chr(13))
	Response.Write("<TR><TH COLSPAN=" & UBound(data1) - LBound(data1) + 2 & ">" & chr(13))
	Response.Write("<FONT SIZE=+2>" & title & "</FONT></TH></TR>" & chr(13))
	Response.Write("<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP ALIGN=RIGHT>" & chr(13))

	'Find the highest value
	Dim hi
	hi = data1(LBound(data1))

	Dim i
	for i = LBound(data1) to UBound(data1)
		if data1(i) > hi then hi = data1(i)

'calculating  highest value for the second array
    Dim hi1
	hi1 = data2(LBound(data2))

	Dim j
	for j = LBound(data2) to UBound(data2)
		if data2(j) > hi1 then hi1 = data2(j)

'Response.Write("the hightest value")

	'Print out the highest value at the top of the chart
	'Response.Write(hi & "</TD>")
	Dim widthpercent
	widthpercent = CInt((1 / (UBound(data1) - LBound(data1) + 1)) * 100)
    'Response.Write(cint(data2(0)/hi1 * graphHeight))
	For i = LBound(data1) to UBound(data1) 
		Response.Write("<td> </td>")
		Response.Write(" <TD VALIGN=BASELINE ROWSPAN=2 WIDTH=" & widthpercent & "% >" & chr(13))
		Response.Write(" <IMG SRC=""" & barImage & """ WIDTH=100% align= bottom HEIGHT=" & CInt(data1(i)/hi * graphHeight)  & "/>" & chr(13))
		Response.Write(" <TD VALIGN=BASELINE ROWSPAN=2 WIDTH=" & widthpercent & "% >" & chr(13))
		Response.Write(" <IMG SRC=""" & barImage1& """ WIDTH=100% align= bottom  HEIGHT=" & CInt(data2(i)/hi1 * graphHeight)  & "/>" & chr(13))
		Response.Write(" </TD>" & chr(13))
		'Response.Write("<td> </td>")
        'Response.Write("<td> </td>")

	Response.Write("<TR><TD VALIGN=BOTTOM ALIGN=RIGHT>0</TD></TR>")

	'Write footer
	Response.Write("<TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=BOTTOM>" & axislabel & "</TD>" & chr(13))
	for i = LBound(labels) to UBound(labels)
		Response.Write("<TD VALIGN=BOTTOM ALIGN=CENTER>" & labels(i) & "</TD>" & chr(13))
	Response.Write("</TR>" & chr(13))
end sub


<% Call BarChart(data1Array,data2Array,labelArray,"Telephone Sales","Date") %>

now the problem is even tough in the following lines, i pass same value for the HEIGHT ATTRIBUTE with data1(0) and data2(0) ARRAYS the displayed height of the image is not same.

Response.Write(" <TD VALIGN=BASELINE ROWSPAN=2 WIDTH=" & widthpercent & "% >" & chr(13))
Response.Write(" <IMG SRC=""" & barImage & """ WIDTH=100% align= bottom HEIGHT=" & CInt(data1(i)/hi * graphHeight)  & "/>" & chr(13))
Response.Write(" <TD VALIGN=BASELINE ROWSPAN=2 WIDTH=" & widthpercent & "% >" & chr(13))
Response.Write(" <IMG SRC=""" & barImage1& """ WIDTH=100% align= bottom  HEIGHT=" & CInt(data2(i)/hi1 * graphHeight)  & "/>" & chr(13))

i am attatching a image file to make my problem more clear..

why dont you response.write the value in that array elements, so you can make sure what is written on the height attribute, better than that view the source of the page and check height attribute of those images.

dat's a gud idea...

add to my repuation man, recently i have been badly critisized for my non-techical posts, i want to clear it...
And share your solution to your problem.

well i don't have that code with me at the moment...
i'll post it when i get back to work...

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