I am saving files the same way out of Dreamweaver but some pages have this error

The problem is not the file, but the syntax of the command to open it.

I am just a graphic designer/illustrator trying to put together my own web site. Can you explain what a syntax is or means? I noticed in my info panel, one icon/file wants to open in my browser abd one want to open in dreamweaver.

I am just a graphic designer/illustrator trying to put together my own web site. Can you explain what a syntax is or means? I noticed in my info panel, one icon/file wants to open in my browser abd one want to open in dreamweaver.

please post the code you are having a problem with. that we we can better serve you

I actually fixed this file by selecting it, opening the info panel and switching it to open with Firefox instead of Dreamweaver. The icon changed immediately and Dreamweaver recognized the change and updated the code. I have not had any problems since.

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