I have an issue with an image inside of a website I built. It's one image that I had to piece together. The top piece is in one division and the bottom half is in another. My Issue I am trying to solve is with IE 7. In IE 7 and I believe IE 6 as well shows my image with a black line separation in between the separate divisions. The blemish lies on the main page or index page. If you have IE 7 or 8 you can check it out so that maybe it gives you a better idea of what the problem is. (www.allencarson.net/~efdev)
I have placed the code for where the problem lies in case you may need that as well. Please help, I have been searching for the solution for sometime now. Thanks
<div id="tabs"><img src="images/tabs.jpg" alt="tabs" border="0" usemap="#Map" />
<map name="Map" id="Map"><area shape="rect" coords="534,23,603,47" href="index.html" alt="home" />
<area shape="rect" coords="617,22,750,47" href="email_sign-up.html" alt="new letter sign up" />
<area shape="rect" coords="762,22,832,47" href="sitemap.html" alt="site map" />
<div class="logo-images">
<div id="logo"><img src="images/ef_logo_negative_pms3035(2).jpg" alt="logo" width="140" height="224" /></div>
<div id="images"><img src="images/top_images.jpg" alt="TopImages" /></div>