I'm new to setting up HTML sites with CSS and I am trying to find the best way to setup the structure of a site. I've read online about the many ways you can setup the structure, but I'm not sure which way to go and am looking for some advice.
Should I use a 1 X 1 table with divs inside and no wrapper?
Should I use all divs and put my content in a wrapper?
Should I use all tables and style with CSS?
Right now my workflow has been to create a Photoshop PSD layered design, take it into Fireworks to slice & optimize it, export to Dreamweaver to setup CSS. It seems though that I end up with a ton of tables and when I add content to one cell it begins to stretch out the tables in the row which causes my background graphics to be broken apart. Would setting up my site with divs solve this problem? I'm used to building sites in Flash and not used to having issues like this.
I've also read that there are quite a few 'hacks' that need to be done to your CSS code in order for your site to be viewed the same in all browsers. Is there a list anywhere of the basic workarounds needed in order to be consistent with all browsers?
Thanks in advance for any advice.