hi please check the code which works fine in IE but not in Firefox...

urgent help required...


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/* CSS Document */

* { 
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a:hover { 
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p.center { 
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.. the webpage has been created by the template i made in Dreamweaver

Can u provide an image or more detail on what isnt working correctly, cause in IE the navigation is listed vertical while in firefox the navigation is listed horizontally.

What hover isnt working correctly?

The ONLY style selector that works with hover is


It affects ALL a links on the page. You can't make it work on just one anchor tag.

Which way do you want the navigation to display. Note that if the horizontal navigation bar does not fit in the allocated space, it will change to vertical. Make sure you leave extra space for margins, borders, and padding outside each item.

Thank you for the quick response...

The one with the google link is not working. the thing is the links are not working inside the editable region of the Dreamweaver

please help!!!

I want the menu horizontal. Which is in another layout cell of the dreamweaver. i have arranged it thru absolute positioning.

its not the menu. its the editable region (google link) .. which is giving me probs.

I could not understand .. what do you mean by a:hover ???

is my CSS wrong. ???

thanx for quick response.. :)

Your code looks correct, theoretically it should work, but i see now that u cannot click on the google link, will try and figure out why that is happening.

The container id in your css is causing the problem. I am no genius in css, but i think what is happening is that the container id has a height of 530px, which then covers the area where the google link is, so your text appears under that "layer" thus it is not rendered correctly.

I removed the height attribute from container, so the container id looks like this:

#container {
margin : 55px 0 15px 0;
position : absolute;
width : 760px;

And the link shall now work in firefox.


this might be irrelevant to the issue, but this ensure that your desired effect will work under all conditions.

Simply include this script inside the header section of your (x)HTML document.

All codes is as follows:

<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
onload = function() {
var ie = (( !!document.all && !!!document.getElementById ) ? 1 : 0 ); // Check whether it is an IE based browser or not.
var onHover = "#555555"; // Specify the color of the link when hovered.

var offHover = "#B3000A"; // Color of the link under normal state.

var tag = "a" || "A";
var xNode = (( ie ) ? document.all.tags( tag ) : document.getElementsByTagName( tag )); // Filtering all A/a Tags on the page.
   for ( var x = 0; x < xNode.length; x++ ) { // Installing hover events
      xNode[ x ].onmouseover = ( function() {
         this.style.color = onHover;
         this.onmouseout = ( function() {
            this.style.color = offHover;
         } );
      } );

// ]]>

hope it helps...

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