Hi, all!!

I have very good base of html. I want to learn more about web design and development. I started to teach myself CSS. Than I will learn Javascript, PHP and MySQL. This is my journey I have decided.

But, I am still confuse. Your suggestion would might help me to make my journey path easier. Your any suggestion comments I will appreciate.

One more thing.. If somebody have good tutorial website or book to learn CSS, I urge you to share it with me in the forum.

Thanks for your help.

Web Assist has a number of tools and courses on CSS to make it simpler. I suggest you also get a current copy of Dreamweaver to learn more about CSS.

@Siersema: Thanks for your reply.

Hi bhagu,

Good choice of career - doing the same thing myself...though I do have a few years ahead of you.

Well learning the languages HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, etc. can easily be done, there is an infinite number of resources on the web to get information and tips from, both good and bad.

Perhaps what you may want to also look at, is what makes a good web design. A search for "examples of good website design", "awesome website design", "design inspiration", etc. is a good starting point. Look at examples and try to work out what makes them good (or great) and others not so good.

A few sites I look at regularly are:

Designers' blogs are a MUST!

And there's no harm at looking at CSS templates AS A STARTING POINT. Here's two decent ones:

And don't forget to look at Graphic Design, most of the basic rules for good print design also apply for the web, such as complimentary colours and typography.

Help with colours:

Unfortunately design is more so about knowing what works and what doesn't, so its all down to practice. But with a little time, patience, advice and the ability to take criticism, you'll do great!

And of course GOOD LUCK!


Hey, Awesome!

Thanks for your detailed reply.

Your words gave me confidence and attitude. I guess this is best solution and a push I needed.

I checked those websites. They are amazing. I really appreciate your guidance.

Thank you so much for your really nice reply.

I would like to know more about your profession if you don't mind. I am just curious.

anyway!! Thanks again


Hi bhagu,

Good choice of career - doing the same thing myself...though I do have a few years ahead of you.

Well learning the languages HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, etc. can easily be done, there is an infinite number of resources on the web to get information and tips from, both good and bad.

Perhaps what you may want to also look at, is what makes a good web design. A search for "examples of good website design", "awesome website design", "design inspiration", etc. is a good starting point. Look at examples and try to work out what makes them good (or great) and others not so good.

A few sites I look at regularly are:

Designers' blogs are a MUST!

And there's no harm at looking at CSS templates AS A STARTING POINT. Here's two decent ones:

And don't forget to look at Graphic Design, most of the basic rules for good print design also apply for the web, such as complimentary colours and typography.

Help with colours:

Unfortunately design is more so about knowing what works and what doesn't, so its all down to practice. But with a little time, patience, advice and the ability to take criticism, you'll do great!

And of course GOOD LUCK!

Your welcome, glad I could help =D

I had a few people give me a few pointers whenever I started web design, so always glad to do the same for others.

I'm glad I've given you some drive, to help you realise your full potential,we all need a little confidence boost now and again, even the 'great' designers. I'm constantly second-guessing my own work...but I also think its part of the process of creating something beautiful!

Well about me...I studied graphic design at uni and have went on to do web design which I much prefer. There's far less things to go wrong with web-based stuff compared to print in my opinion ;)

Learning the development end of things myself, currently PHP (for my sins) and javascript. Always important to know what can be achieved, which helps you right back at the design stage to 'push the envelope'.

And any great websites you find, you can always pass my way ;)

Like I said, glad I could be of help and I real do hope you do well

Hey, Awesome!

Thanks for your detailed reply.

Your words gave me confidence and attitude. I guess this is best solution and a push I needed.

I checked those websites. They are amazing. I really appreciate your guidance.

Thank you so much for your really nice reply.

I would like to know more about your profession if you don't mind. I am just curious.

anyway!! Thanks again


Hello Laura and Vipul,

I'm not sure if you guys know about these websites but they are also great for design-inspirations and tutorials.

Behance Network - Great for viewing others(professional) graphic works

Behance Magazine - Lots of great tips and information from other designers.

Da Font - Lots of great fonts for free!

FWA - Site of the Day - Everyday a new website is posted, the websites are full of creativity and originality.

Logo Pond - If you are looking to design a great logo then look no further for inspiration, they have lots of unique designs.

Smashing Magazine - Lots of great resources, tips, tutorials are uploaded on this site frequently.

You can never be sure if one knows a particular website because on the internet there are many. If you guys are looking to get more hands on work, check out the magazine section at Barnes & Noble they have lots of great content on Web Design. The magazines offer in-depth tutorials for Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Flash , 3d Studiomax, After Effects,etc. They include the cd so you can get to work right away. They cost about 15 dollars a piece, not to bad, you also can subscribe if you like them (You may also bring your laptop and complete tutorials for free).

Hope I could help and thanks for sharing your tips, resources.


Hi Moe,

Yeah some good sites there, I know of a few of them myself... However these Behance links looks really interesting, I've bookmarked them for future reference and hopefully some interesting reading during my coffee breaks =D


Hi, Moe!!

Thanks for your reply. I like the logo pond website. It's really very cool website.

I have bookmarked some website for my reference.

Moe and Laura, you both are awesome....

Thanks for being so helpful.


Hello Laura and Vipul,

I'm not sure if you guys know about these websites but they are also great for design-inspirations and tutorials.

Behance Network - Great for viewing others(professional) graphic works

Behance Magazine - Lots of great tips and information from other designers.

Da Font - Lots of great fonts for free!

FWA - Site of the Day - Everyday a new website is posted, the websites are full of creativity and originality.

Logo Pond - If you are looking to design a great logo then look no further for inspiration, they have lots of unique designs.

Smashing Magazine - Lots of great resources, tips, tutorials are uploaded on this site frequently.

You can never be sure if one knows a particular website because on the internet there are many. If you guys are looking to get more hands on work, check out the magazine section at Barnes & Noble they have lots of great content on Web Design. The magazines offer in-depth tutorials for Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Flash , 3d Studiomax, After Effects,etc. They include the cd so you can get to work right away. They cost about 15 dollars a piece, not to bad, you also can subscribe if you like them (You may also bring your laptop and complete tutorials for free).

Hope I could help and thanks for sharing your tips, resources.


Hello Laura and Vipul,

I'm glad you found use in the links I previously provided you with. I wish you guys the best of luck in all your future endeavors. I anticipate some great work coming from you guys. If you ever need any assistance I will assist if I'm able to.


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