I am confused between which layouts to use. I like fixed layouts as they are easy to make but they say flexible layouts are better for big screen sizes.

Lately I have a higher resolution screen and I do admit that all my prev sites are much more difficult to navigate and use.

Flexible layouts look very very different in different screens which is a big mood killer.

Hence my dilema make sites in fixed or flexible layouts ?

Please advice your thoughts so that I can take a more informative decision.

Vishal Khialani

i use fixed layouts cause i can control the look that the person sees instead of it looking different all the time.

if you do use fixed use a 960 grid instead of a 760. personally i think the days of 800x600 are over.

one thing you could look into are em instead of px. em's are more flexible for people that use bigger text on there screens

if you do use fixed use a 960 grid instead of a 760. personally i think the days of 800x600 are over.

No, they are not. Many people with visual problems use 800X600 to make the text large enough to read.

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