This may, be in actuality a question about web-marketing.
But MY concern is the technical aspects of something I am only now becoming aware of. Right this moment.
And, I am not sure I am asking the question correctly, so
please forgive fundamental ignorance.
I'm trying to figure out how to approach this. (even to ask/search)
I DO know how to setup a (singular) website on a webserver, like on my own server over DSL. Also, I have helped make (very simple very few pages) websites that are hosted for individual companies whether they were on Yahoo (free) or TZO, or Go-Daddy etc... But, in the interests of keeping ---multiple--- relatively small (yet related) websites hosted on ONE commercially hosted central place... my question is regarding domain name(s) and ---what is considered to be a separate website. It's fairly open to discussion and elucidation as I don't have a tremendous amount of experience with this.
Is it possible (yes, I'm assuming but correct me if I'm wrong) to setup what would be considered "separate" websites with names based on something like:
if you assume a domain name of "Tiddlywinks"
With maybe the MAIN or parent "site" being TiddlywinksMarketing?
I ask this with regard to how webcrawlers work in the tracking and listing of websites.
does it matter? really?
if all these sites are hosted on something like (
or a typical paid host like Go-Daddy?
subject -of course- to whatever technical constraints of the individual site needed regarding functionality and bandwidth and storage.
As I said, I am possibly not asking the question correctly.
I'm trying to find info on what I'm asking.
and maybe it's just OBVIOUS and in my face.
thank you for any input/questions of your own.