The most curious thing just happened.

I was on a yahoo website. When I accidentally highlighted (with my mouse) an entire upper section of one Yahoo web page.

I have no idea what other (IF any other) mouse clicks I accidentally delivered to the highlighted section. I have a logiteck optical mouse with buttons all over it... Anyway, I saw a message on the screen saying something like,

"FireFox is downloading .... (something) ("script"???).... Interlock"

Then the message flashed off the screen as I automatically clicked what it was that I WANTED to click.

FireFox then seemed to hesitate for a second and was in the middle of downloading (I guess) whatEVER it was that it was downloading.

Does anybody have any idea what that means? or Meant?
I've never seen a message like that before.

It just happened again. I think it said "downloading code segments from "" ....

Thanx for the additional info. I myself had come across the word "malware" more than once in my searches. so... without drawing any FINAL conclusions. Yeah, I'm a bit wary. Thank you.

I added every one of those sites to the list of "restricted" inet sites.
The ONE site that kept coming up was
(now I get some darn warning about some..."script" that is not running correctly)

I HAD been running SpyWare Terminator, but disabled it on this pc. This pc is borderline with xp. It's a p3 with 900mhz and 256ram. when you run a scanner constantly in the background my web action gets REALLY slow. When I disabled it.... interclick moved in. I guess it's a testament to the fact that it (spywr termntr) actually works. Thanx Much

Those scripts are affiliates of the main third-party spy-ware script, trying to communicate data with it, and it is something you shouldn't worry about at all!

Restricted zone is not enough of a measure for most of them.

You should use something more efficient, pure and lightweight instead of these memory consumer applications which are spies themselves.

Here is a better measure:
You should add those lines to your Hosts file.
To do that:
Create a shortcut somewhere and edit its target like this: %windir%\NOTEPAD.EXE %windir%\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\etc\HOSTS (copy-paste and save those changes)

Than double-click the icon to open the file in Notepad and find a line stating: localhost and right, (under this line) add statements like:

to effectively block those addresses without any risk of downloading malicious content before your 'guardian' finds out where it is coming from and consumes memory while deciding what to do with it.

This measure will completely block anything and everything suspicious from your list - right before your browser even sends its request to that server. Meaning, it will not even allow the request to be made at all.

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