I haven't made any website for over 2 years now. Last time I made, I used Dreamweaver 8, however, I've lost my CD now.

Since I'm being given a task to make a local community website, I wondered if there're free website designing software available that people can recommend me.

I don't want anything advanced but CSS and XHTML based website is what I've in mind.

Is there anything better than Dreamweaver 8 around?

I use Gedit, Notepad++ is also pretty good.

If your looking for a WYSIWYG type editor then don't bother, they all suck. HTML and CSS are very easy to use, and you can find a lot of free templates already made to use.

If you need a back-end for editing sites try Wordpress, it's probably easiest to use.

Hope that helps, BTW I'm currently building up my portfolio so if you need help with the coding I'll be happy to do it for free.

I think Nvu may be of interest - just google Nvu, you'll find it.

Hi..make a try with Adobe Dream weaver.This software is a great user friendly and is a flexible one.We can also use CSS sheets by using this software. Even a novice people also can make a good site using it.Thanking you

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Hi..make a try with Adobe Dream weaver.This software is a great user friendly and is a flexible one.We can also use CSS sheets by using this software. Even a novice people also can make a good site using it.Thanking you

The request was for a free website editor. Dreamweaver is far from free; in fact it has a ridiculously high price ($400). Additionally it had a very serious bug: You need Windows to use it.

Hey try with wordpress. The word press is also one of the best software available in on line.It has so many templates and it is also easy to use.

looking for an open source web editor?

try using joomla....

i use it in school. ^__^

Member Avatar for ingeva

I thought I had given this recommendation before, but it must have disappeared.

I also use Joomla!. In fact, I have just made my first website with it.
It's a commercial site, so I'm even getting paid for it! :)

Joomla! is nice, although it takes some time to learn for us who have been using the old "from the ground up" methods, but it's a tool for very fast website building and easy maintenance.

Strongly recommended.

But by all means, do what I did: Try several different systems before you decide. The extra time won't be wasted.

I must admit I haven't looked closely into wordpress, but I've downloaded it now and will test it in the near future. It's always nice to have alternatives, but from what I've seen, wordpress makes slow websites that do not conform to modern web standards. At least Joomla! claims to do so, and I won't complain about the speed.
The wysiwyg editor and the HTML editor both leave something to be desired -- and the only way to insert php code into the site is to do it in the template, which is fairly complicated.

Best community CMS out there is probably Joomla so check them out.... tons of templates you can grab (already built sites) and modify colors, spacing, etc (can edit this inside the CMS CSS files... fairly easy and no programs needed).

An even easier CMS with less features but more free templates is Wordpress which is extremely easy to setup.

If you're looking to get your hands dirty then check out ModxCMS

I like joomla.joomla is very secured and seo friendaly one.And Very Easy.Joomla uses plugin and modules whereas Drupl has module only.

Thanks for sharing

wordpress and coffeecup are good these are easy to use like Dreamweaver 8.

use bluevoda or joomla i think they will be helpful

I think joomla is best, it is SEO friendly and easy to add content.

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